Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The same ship, now hosting a new set of passengers including 235 Canadians, is being held off the coast of California for coronavirus testing.

The same ship infected passengers on two voyages. They need to cancel cruise ships.

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Lol cruises


Fuck cruises always and fuck trade conferences at least for a good long time. I can tell the conference industry is dying becuase I’m getting multiple calls a day begging me to attend and/or speak. I’m a nobody and have presented at one conference in the past decade, and suddenly I’m a highly desired speaker lol.


I hope she is self isolating.

This cnn town hall w/ Anderson cooper and Sanjay Gupta is trash. So far the questions I’ve seen are “what can schools do to keep kids safe” and they began talking about how they wipe down their tray tables on airplanes, and the second question was about if travel restrictions were effective and they threw it over to some correspondent in Italy who talked about neighborhood red zones where movement is heavily restricted. Wtf is this fucking shit?

Guy that I’m with INSISTS on blowing on his hands before every fucking craps roll despite the protests of the entire table and dealers. I hate people.

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Question: Can pets or small animals carry the virus?

This virus came from animals, HIV came from animals, some talk about SARS, a story about a dog in Hong Kong who tested positive?

Aaaaaand throw it to commercial. What the fuck?

She didn’t isolate on the plane.

Do you people actually still believe that there were ever highly competent intelligent honest and well intentioned people running stuff?

What do you mean by “still”?

The other “you people”, not you.

I have no idea how they think they’re going to handle this --cancel schools until flu season is over*? How are parents supposed to manage that? Let the little beasties get sick when they’re young and let them build up an antibody library and isolate them from the olds. It’s already gone nationwide, we’re not gonna contain this.

  • – I know coronavirus isn’t the flu, bear with me.
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I’m biased, but the career professionals working at the CDC and NIH and etc. are absolutely decent, competent people. The political appointees overseeing everything, not so much. We are extremely lucky Trump hasn’t fired Francis Collins and replaced him with Herman Cain or whoever.


That’s about what mine is, typically.

I mean, my understanding of Chernobyl is mostly from the miniseries, but after the first episode, the Soviets took numerous dramatic, meaningful, calculated and public moves including evacuation to mitigate the disaster. Sure, there was some scapegoating at the end and an unwillingness to admit the root cause, but they did way more than the Trump administration is doing right now to ameliorate the situation.

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Human body temperatures are distributed on a bell curve --I’m sure you’ve shaken hands with someone who just seems to have super-cold hands. Plus there are health conditions and medications that can lower your body temp. Basically there is no way to stop this just by giving everyone a quick temperature scan at airports, because some three-sigma guy with a fever is gonna appear to have a normal temperature.

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Some stone cold mofo’s itt.


Same is true with Army Corps of Engineers.

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I haven’t been feeling that well and have been avoiding going to the doctor because i didn’t want to expose myself to the coronvirus. Broke down and went today. Was careful not touching anything or getting to close to anyone. I finally get into the room thinking I avoided it all. Doctor walks in and shakes my hand… turns out I have shingles, most likely caused from stress.