Coronavirus (COVID-19)

They’ll probably deny testing for any state that has a sanctuary city until that state agrees to allow the ICE Gestapo to go door to door with their rifles.

Then once they allow testing it will be CDC/ICE partnerships then @suzzer99 scenario is real…



Only positive cases are showing symptoms because they are only testing cases with symptoms. And not even all of those.

Cross posting from the Trump thread:

This fucking idiot.

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Same. Also stopped ordering my unsweetened tea or diet soda with lemons or straws. Also taking Clorox wipes to wipe down the rail at the start of the session.

First case in Alberta just announced.

Anyone else regularly taking their temp? I’ve discovered that my normal body temp is apparently 96.8 F. Three different thermometers over about 4 days. Good news is even if I get a fever I can still get through the zombie roadblocks.


Went to MSU at Maryland last weekend. Also played at Maryland Live.

Think I’m going to stay out of crowds for now.

80% of the people in my writing class are touching their face at any given time.

129 cases. Not great. Not terrible.


She was released from the cruise ship on the 21st and self isolated on the 28th. Yikes

I can’t keep track of the problem cruise ships anymore.

This case was from the Grand Princess cruise ship not the one in Japan.

Safe to say travelling on a cruise ship is not a good idea at the moment.

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Was talking w/ my deplorable mom about coronavirus, seemed pretty normal, only eyebrow raising things she said is that it won’t be as bad in the US because we are better prepared to handle these things (USA #1!!!) and also she heard while getting her nails done yesterday from her Vietnamese nail lady who knows someone who knows someone in China and they burned 30,000 bodies that died of coronavirus and tried to cover it up. Ughhhhhhhhhh I guess this is what she is talking about?

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I’m suppose to be going to FL in a couple weeks for some training. I may drive instead of fly (17 hours).

Also I might have a hand sanitizer addiction

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One of my direct reports is booked on a cruise scheduled to sail in mid-April. He still plans on going, but I’m wondering if the ship even sails.