Coronavirus (COVID-19)

They believe they represent the people, but they also see the people as relatively uninformed, often disinterested, and in need of protection from themselves.

More than McGovern 2.0, the establishment Democrats fear the spectre of the 1968 Democratic National Convention. I embrace the variance. I embrace the chaos. I don’t kid myself. Pushing leftward brings these things. I root for things to get messy, knowing that people get hurt when it gets messy, because your choice is between a messy transition and no change at all in the name of preserving the semblance of order.

The coronavirus presents an opportunity for chaos. Democrats should embrace it.

So basically the Trump Administration is going full Chernobyl?

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Boomer who freaks out about everything suddenly has a new take.

Microdaughter works at an after school program at an elementary school and a kid at the school (but not in the after school program) tested positive.

Well there’s my closest degree of separation by far. Is this in MB? Do they know where he got it?

San Francisco - my 20yo. She lives up there now.

I’m texting with her and my kid in MB now and the MB kid says they are talking about closing Mira Costa.

One might say that the Trump admin is down with the sickness


Ah. Seems like SF, Chicago, NY and our other actual cities are going to be the proving ground for how fast this stuff can spread in the US.

Do you know if the kid have symptoms? Either way - snot/saliva factory kids as a vector is terrifying.

I dunno. The kid must have had symptoms to get a test. But she says the kid is doing well.

As always, this is going to hit poor people the hardest.

This is like watching a very slow motion car wreck. And we still have another 4-6 weeks before the actual full impact.


One thing interesting is that reddit link said almost no one who tested positive was asymptomatic. The few who were developed symptoms in a few days.

But that contradicts what we’ve heard that some 15-20% can be completely asymptomatic so I dunno.

Not very many people around me seem sick at all. Nobody coughing and sneezing. And my company sent a very strong message that people with any cold/flu symptoms are not to come into the office, period. So at least something to be thankful for.

Had some blood work today so asked the nurse what they are doing to prep for the virus. She said nothing.

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Loving the hand wash dance


V-pop gonna save the world.


Appreciate that New York is actually trying to do something about this. BRB out to hunt for some purell

Happy to report that 3 Illinois labs are doing tests and have enough capacity to check a sample of viral infections where COVID isn’t necessarily suspected. Illinois was one of 3 states with early permission to run tests.