Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Medical officials who respond to concerns about Coronavirus with “the seasonal flu kills thousands a year!” are guilty of stupid medical whataboutism.

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How much is one of those Outbreak suits gonna set me back?

Would you like puncture-resistant? Or peels right open upon contact with any sharp object?

Wait sorry I’m told option 1 just sold out.


News here also says this outbreak is going to be less severe than SARS based on what we know now. Expert said the transmission without symptons is unlikely to be true because coughing is a sympton but is more like transmission without fever making airport temp checks useless… Also talked about the overflowing hospitals in Wuhan and said having this virus during regular flu season makes it hard to cope with people coming in that just have the flu.

I would still not travel to China for a couple more weeks.

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I think you can’t really say that until the cases stop doubling ever 2 days, which is currently what they’re doing.

Nobody really knows. You’re relying on China. Nobody really has a good picture of this right now.

Some better than mass-market sources on what’s going on:

106 deaths. Still cautiously optimistic that this is on track to be more of a SARS-style outbreak than a 1918 pandemic.

Dunno if it was posted as I’m not reading up for obvious reasons but North Korea shut down the border.

N95 masks already sold out online even here.

The # of cases chart is unfortunately starting to go a straight up arrow.

106 deaths in China with 4193 cases. Still doubling every 1-2 days.

Not sure what to make of that 106 dead vs 58 recovered number.

I just saw 4295 not that it matters since it’ll be more every update anyway.

I take the 106 vs 58 as good news(?)–even if it gets bad for you–you still might not die.

I’ll worry more if/when we start to see person-to-person spreading outside of China.

The SARS timeline is helpful:



I think that means the other ~ 4000 odd are still sick. If a few more days in we have 300 dead and 150 recovered, I would think very bad news. But I don’t really know.

We’re definitely getting way more than 300 dead when all is said and done.

Yeah, I’m talking about the trendlines over the next couple of days and what they might mean for the trajectory of this.

Well death from the virus is a quicker timeframe than recovery from the virus. This one seems to stick around for awhile. (also I imagine they would be conservative with the recovered word but it’s china so ?)

I dont’ know, if it starts dropping people like Ebola it’ll burn itself out.

yeah, u do not know

yesterday, you were talking about how the 3-10% fatality rate actually ensured against it burning-out and how that made it scarier.

today you’re suggesting it has like a 67% fatality rate

go to bed, fearmongo

Nothing that I said was inconsistent. I literally just said that if it has a high fatality rate it would burn out.

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