Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Could also be the start of the flu. Before this all happened this was already reported to be a really bad flu season.

I’m noticing so many people around me coughing and being sick.

Watched contagion last night. Terrible idea.

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I generally wouldn’t work when I have the cold Unless it’s a Saturday night (I know I know) but it’s the 1 night I can’t miss or I’m afraid I can’t take anymore days off or even get a wage… My Saturday nights are to much moneys to give it up and the rest of the week does not make up the difference… :pensive:

My Cold pack is 4 tins of tomato soup, 2 bottles of Lucozade and a box of eggs with bread/toast.

A few sips of night nurse at bedtime and I’m all good.

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So 5 million people left Wuhan before the travel ban was in place. Not optimal, especially if it turns out to be contagious before symptoms show. Still seems to be a lot of debate about that.

Channel 4 news just said it’s not expected to be as serious as SARS. Missed the explanation.

Im sorry, has no one read The Stand?

Short version: dont believe the news when it comes to outbreak

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This is also why I don’t accept candy from clowns hanging out in a storm drain.


See, youve learned a lot from good ole SK. Also, dont invite boys floating outside your second story window into your house.


That’s how it was for a long time in the US. Not sure when the advice changed, I didn’t realize it had and they were recommending everyone get vaccinated until I was vaccine-shamed ITT.

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I thought it was only candy from clowns in vans that we were not allowed to accept.

C4 don’t just pull it out of their arses. It was from an interview with a Professor of Immunology at King’s College, London.

Maybe she’s wrong, but it tilts the likelihood in one direction.

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It’s looking more and more like this will play out like SARS/MERS and not influenza.

A couple links if you feel like reading…

2019 Novel Coronavirus, Wuhan, China (CDC)

States have departments of health, for example, Washington:
Novel Coronavirus Outbreak 2020

On a lighter note (from an earlier episode)…


I was joking (mostly)

Explain this to me like I’m stupid?

Looks like it isn’t all that good at traveling from person to person. None of the big world health orgs are flipping their shit.


They are currently testing two cases of people who returned from Wuhan and are now sick in my home county. FML.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention raised its travel warning Monday to a level 3, its highest alert level, urging U.S. citizens to avoid all nonessential travel to China because of the coronavirus outbreak.

China’s health minister said the coronavirus is increasing in virulence and now could be contagious even before people exhibit symptoms, making apparently healthy people possible carriers.

A scientific assessment of the spread of the disease, assuming an optimistic 90 percent quarantine, still predicted more than 59,000 infections and 1,500 deaths — twice the toll of the 2002-2003 SARS outbreak.

We’re not going to have any idea of that for another week or so. It has a 2-14 day incubation period.

I don’t see any recent news that makes me feel any better about what’s going on.