Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I know it will be tempting, because when is it not, but I would REALLY have a hard think about going into a Vegas casino right now

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Shit, I’m supposed to be in Vegas in early March for a bachelor party. Might as well accept my fate now.

I’ve had the actual flu in the last two years since not having it as a teenager. This year’s was a couple days of misery but manageable. Last year’s I might choose to die over experiencing again.

Vaccine every year of course.

I’ve had the flu three years in a row, nothing yet this year. Was super sick each time (fever of 103F+ for multiple days on end), but two years ago it became full-blown pneumonia. Was nearly hospitalized and it was literally 6-8 weeks before I was “back to normal” (able to run 3+ miles). So at least I guess I don’t have to worry about my immune system over-reacting and killing me with its strength! And I do get the flu shot every year.

Side note: it never made sense to me when I’d hear about otherwise-healthy people dying of pneumonia until I really had it. It was really gnarly. If I didn’t have health insurance and knew it would cost me thousands of dollars to go to an ER maybe I would’ve waited another day before going to the doctor. And if that had happened, who knows?

In three weeks my 14 year old goes to a convention in Sacramento with literally thousands of other high schoolers. By that time I hope this has fizzled out. Alternatively, I hope it’s scary enough that they cancel the thing. If it’s still “maybe very scary, but not super widespread” that’s going to be really tough.

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As a fellow immunosuppressed individual I’d like to second Skydivers request for you all to get the damn flu shot.

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Big +1 to all the comments about under appreciating how bad the flu is. I had never had it as an adult (and maybe not as a kid either). I very rarely get sick. Even when I do it’s more of an annoyance that lasts 24-36 hours. Never got a flu shot.

I had the flu late last month. I lost an entire week of my life. Just completely gone, absolutely nothing done for 8 days except not leaving the house and feeling about as bad as I’ve ever felt. Weeks later I still have the cough and mucus.

I will be getting flu shots from now on.


Americans need more sick days and behavior like that should be a terminable offense. That’s literally a case study in how the entire office gets sick.

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Stock Market is tanking solidly today. Not sure if its because of the virus or a combination of things.

I think mostly the virus worries, as the hardest hit stocks seem to be the things that are virus related. (i.e. - Chinese holdings, travel companies, etc.)

Instead, some Americans (including those employed by the restaurant industry) will be fired if they don’t come in, even if they feel like that.


My wife works in an assisted living facility as a nurse… and you bet your ass everyone is expected to work sick. Even though their residents are a bunch of old people who the flu could absolutely kill. They didn’t have a flu outbreak this year thankfully.

I am guilty of working sick.

If I dont show up, a bunch of busy people who already have too much work have to pick up the slack. And/or important stuff doesn’t get done.

Yeah. I need to change. I know.

Update: runny nose, sore throat, and weird sweats but otherwise fine. Wife doesnt feel great either. Young asian gentleman at work with a face mask on.

Level of worry - 4.5/10

You, sir, have a cold.

Huzzah! Is the pain in my lungs anything to be concerned about?

You went to work feeling like that?

Im a temp who makes 0 dollars by not going to work. Im not talking to or interacting with anyone today and have lysol wipes to wipe down any surfaces I may touch.

Hooray capitalism!


IANAD, but that could be the start of a chest cold (bronchitis). That went around here like a mother late last year.

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Yeah thats what Im thinking. I know the incubation period on this coronavirus is longer than what I would have been exposed to this weekend obv, i think I just got the willies hearing about it in Orange county

Probably a xenomorph. glgl!