Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Yep. It’s not really herd immunity, but do you really want to be responsible for catching the flu, then passing it to your/your partners/your friends grandma or baby and killing them.


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I have a very robust immune system. I’ve gone years w/o a cold or flu - long before I started getting a flu shot. but I’ve still gotten the flu shot every year for the last few years because why not?

The only diseases that really scare me are the ones that hit people with strong immune systems harder.

Although that reminds me - I’ve gotten sick like 3 or 4 times the morning after Superbowl parties. Fucking germ factory kids and chips and dips. I HAVE to avoid that shit this year!

And I mean literal shit because those buggers probably pick their butt then stick their whole hand in the dip, then double and triple dip, then start the process all over again every 5 minutes.

My buddy has two young kids - the whole house got norovirus. He said he was scraping shit and puke off the walls and found one of his kids basically floating in a puddle of liquid on the bed. It sounded like something out of the exorcist.


heh, same, but as it turns out, mine was TOO robust, and decided to start attacking me. So now I have to suppress it :frowning:

fuck autoimmune diseases and their “treatments”

Yeah that’s that I worry about.

My family got fucked. My brother and I have psoriasis, My mom and 2 of her siblings have MS, and my sister had Grave’s Disease (I say had because they killed off her thyroid when she was 16) and now has Myasthenia Gravis.

I know autoimmune diseases are technically not hereditary, but dammit, it sure feels that way. My family jokes that the lot of us should submit ourselves for study.

I feel like there’s a lot of things which are obviously hereditary - but science can’t prove it so there’s some debate.

I’ve gotten pretty much everything my Dad got at the same age - two inguinal hernias - plantar fasciitis/need for orthotics - eyesight going (but that’s most people). I’m really hoping to fade his glaucoma.

I have faded back trouble but I don’t think he’s lifted weights a day in his life, and I make at least some effort to keep my core strong.

He’s a prosecutor.

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Instead, it’s going to be Adam Driver. I love how a search for “outbreak” or “contagion” serves up all the movie shit for you to scroll through to get to the actual things.

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Are there people who’ve never had the flu? When I was a kid I’d get it once a year.

I don’t think I’ve ever had the flu, and I’ve definitely never been diagnosed with it. Running good so far. That said I’ve been shitting my guts out all day and have had a headache for the last six hours.

Lots of people confuse norovirus with the flu. If you want to kill yourself because you can’t stop puking and or shitting you probably have norovirus. If you want to kill yourself but your fever has made you too weak to do so, you might have the flu.


I don’t think I’ve ever had the flu, just occasional colds that last a few days with me being bedridden for a maximum of one of those days.

Pre market just opened and is selling off HARD already, down over 1%, with Chinese companies like Alibaba or Luckin coffee down 7-8%

I’m convinced that there a lot of sharps out there holding any little dip’s head underwater as long as they can, so they can buy the shit of out of the hiccups in this corporate tax cut->massive stock buyback fueled perpetual bull market.

Until the big crash hits, which is a little ways off.

Yes, I’m aware. The fever is an immune response to the dead virus. It’s why you can feel crappy after getting a shot and it’s why it’s still way +EV to get the shot.

I haven’t been a prosecutor in years.

Watched contagion last night with the girl I’m seeing. Definitely a bad move.

I touch my face so much. Gonna load up on hand sanitizer today and try to discipline myself not to touch my face.

I’m an optimist but that’s slowly dying. If Biden comes in first in Iowa over Bernie I’m joining team WAAF.


You and me both! I’d have been wearing that badge by now if not for Bernie’s seemingly good chances.

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this - the point of the vaccine is to trigger your immune system to attack the intruder - your body thinks it is infected so feeling slightly ill isn’t surprising.

I had it once years ago when I was like 11 or something. Yes it was bad.