Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Further to above story, the cop tasered him after he tried to grab the cop’s gun off his belt. Not generally advisable.

In lol Trump supporters news. My uncle who is senior VP for a supply chain company thinks the Coronavirus is massively overblown and not a big deal at all. Thinks the media is just making a huge deal over nothing. Mind you this dudes company is in big trouble because they won’t be getting ANY product from china for ~2 months so far as they know, could end up being longer.

He argued " Do YoU KnOw HoW MaNy PeOpLe DiE FrOm ThE FlU EvErY YeAR? "

These people straight up turn their brains off when they’re told anything by right wing media. Your company is about to collapse because of this virus, and you can’t even extrapolate basic data to realize this virus has the potential to be a massive deal? LOL. Not to mention his sister, my mom, is a huge risk because she’s 70 and has COPD. He’s also 67 so he’s at risk as well.


Holy shit missed two days of news, the WHO is reporting a 3.4% death rate? WTF happened? Is that number legit? Or is it skewed because old folks home and cruise ships of olds getting it?

It’s definitely too high because of the number of low-symptom or asymptomatic cases out there. The WHO is just reporting what anyone can see on the dashboard. Nobody knows what the actual death rate is.

Also the death rate is miles higher in Hubei province than anywhere else and I’m not sure anyone is entirely sure why. Lack of medical resources is part of it.

I think at least here it became self fulfilling. People read it in some survival guide or something, a bunch went out and bought it, people saw it disappearing from shelves, were like oh God better stock up before it all goes, rinse repeat.

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It’s simply the global figure of total deaths / total cases. This is massively skewed by the early stats from inside China and heavily dependent upon any given nation’s ability to test for cases. The true mortality rate is likely a fair bit lower.

Really hard to tell what the death rate will end up being because it takes awhile to kill while new cases are popping up constantly at a high rate.

Also I think IIRC with SARS the death rate ended up being way higher than what China initially reported which is somewhat worrying. China numbers are too be taken with a grain of salt.

Yeah I definitely understand this. Is the same thing true for the death rate of regular influenza? Obv lots of people get that and don’t bother to report it. Or is the fact that they have an infinite amount of data means that 0.1% is accurate.

Basically is this thing roughly 20-34 times more deadly than the flu, or is it smaller than that because the deathrate is off because of the lack of data where as it’s on point for regular influenza.

I just got a message there is a likely corona virus patient that works in my building in Sydney and that I should work from home till further notice. Definitely feel better about my washing hands routine whenever I took the elevator.

Smart move. I was thinking about how many super gross hands used the buttons when I was getting cash from an ATM the other day. Been washing my hands way more often and thoroughly lately.

We’ll know better in a couple of months, when like a million people will have had it for a month.


Just a yuuuuuge difference in rapported death rate between Hubei and everywhere else. Like @ChrisV said, seems likely that’s at least partially caused by hospitals being stretched way beyond their capabilities in Hubei. So global average death rate is likely fairly meaningless for wherever you are. Maybe more relevant if they use median instead of average, but local hotspots can again possibly overwhelm capabilities so that’s a confounder.


Do you guys that cant understand hoarding TP live with females? I have 96 rolls stashed, which is good for approximately 3 days the way my wife and daughter go through it. I’m only slightly exaggerating.


On my way to Vegas for the weekend. Gonna carry around pocket hand sanitizer and hope for the best. Will report back on all the disgusting things I witness people doing.


I think that specific region in Italy (is it Lombardi) may approach the Wuhan area death rate. We will know in a couple of weeks. They have a lot of people in serious condition right now.

I think the high death rate in certain areas will eventually likely be attributed to the health care systems getting overwhelmed. Primarily not enough capacity to deliver O2 to everybody that needs it.

Yeah we average a roll a day, about 10 sheets of which is mine.

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In his defense - the motto of New Hampshire is Live Free or Die. There’s no asterisk for quarantining during a Pandemic.

Yeah except New Hampshire bent over pretty quick after 9/11 and fell right in line with the Patriot Act bullshit. I changed the motto to Live Free Or DIe Until You Get Scared.

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Your pony is definitely overwhelmed.