Coronavirus (COVID-19)

For sure, I mean this is the problem right? By the time we get positive tests and know where it is and what needs to be quarantined, everyone there was already exposed the prior week.

You and your kids are gonna be fine, bruv. Wash your hands, stick up on tp and canned goods, don’t stress out.

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Everyone in the us should assume it’s in your neck of the woods as of right now. We are long past the point where this could be contained.




I’m going to get it, or at least I’m going to be subjected to the risk of it. Person to person transmission is underway in Australia. Containment is not going to happen. It’ll arrive a while later for me is all. I’m not going to modify my lifestyle at all, other than washing my hands a whole bunch more.

Edit: Will try to get less takeaway food also, it’s a good excuse to do something positive for my health.


lol, of course people who don’t get seriously ill don’t count for the total count of infected people.

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I don’t know why people do this. Trump says enough stupid shit. There is no need to manufacture extra. All I heard was the 36s clip, but he certainly wasn’t recommending people go to work with coronavirus infection. Maybe he said it after or before. If so, maybe that part should have been posted.

The stupid part was what wookie pointed out.


Like think about how low the probability is that letting your kid go on a trip, right now when the outbreak is still in its infancy, will be the critical factor in you getting COVID-19. Bear in mind that it’s probable that getting the virus confers immunity for some time, going by how other coronaviruses work. I don’t think it’s known how long that is but it’s known to be longer than flu immunity. So the benefit of avoiding it now is zero if you are destined to get it later in the outbreak anyway. As you said, getting it now would get you in before a potentially overloaded health system as well. The time to get aggressive with isolation is later in the outbreak, either if it’s raging and the health system can’t cope, or if it’s dying down/a vaccine is on the horizon, when it looks like you have a good shot at dodging it entirely. Ironically most people will probably be really aggressive at the start and then get complacent after 3 months have gone by and they haven’t got it.


You’re fit as an ox, dude and your kids are young. Stress out over the elderly people in your life.


That’s probably correct

I mean he wasn’t recommending people to go to work with coronavirus, but in the last 4 seconds he was clearing shrugging off people going to work with coronavirus

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Thanks, Obama!

(That wasn’t sarcasm, I know it’s hard to tell sometimes, it’s good advice)

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Well lead in to the video was “Here’s the President of the United States telling the country it’s okay to go to work with Coronavirus.” So, that’s kind of what I expected to hear.

I hate to be stanning for Florida Man, but a perfectly reasonable interpretation is that he was saying lots of people get it, they don’t feel that sick, they don’t go to the doctor and they even go to work. All of which are true.

Along with noting that people probably go to work with coronavirus, should he have mentioned that it is a terrible thing for someone to do? Sure, but this is Trump, so there is no expectation that’s going to happen. I guess if that’s the point, description preceding the video could have been a lot clearer.

must be a lot of pressure to still have to be president

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The cruise ship, with 3,500 passengers, is being held off the Californian coast.

In Seattle Amazon and Microsoft are now telling all workers who are able to do so to WFH for the remainder of March. MIL mailing us stuff since everything is sold out everywhere

New development in the Toilet Paper Panic here: in a regional town in NSW, a dispute over toilet paper ended with police tasering a guy lol.


Well I guess it’s good the police got the toilet paper then because they’re always full of shit.


I don’t get the whole hoarding toilet paper thing… Do people just expect to shit their brains out for months during a health emergency?

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