Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Does Happy Birthday x2 include the time you spend soaping up your hands and rinsing? Or is are you supposed to be vigorously scrubbing that entire time?

That’s not inaccurate.

Sadly, I am listening to this now. Not sure exactly how he phrased that part, but I know he said verbatim:

“Personally, I would say the number is way under 1%”

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We’re not very smart in NH. Even in the Upper Valley.

California’s Gavin Newsom calls a state of emergency… Was it reported itt?

I may need to pay for LA Times again to keep up with this stuff. I’d still be with them if they weren’t such a-holes, and had just charged me a reasonable rate every month, instead of jacking up the price then immediately lowering it again when I called to cancel.

Yeah I did that dance for a while but it was really annoying.

LA County has also declared a state of emergency. We’re getting regular email updates from the Glendale Unified School District - today’s said that nobody is suggesting yet that they close the schools, but it’s something we should be prepared for.

And in the entertainment industry, I am told that CAA is forbidding client visits to the office and ceasing air travel for all employees.

Ultra canceled, SXSW in major trouble but Austin won’t pull the plug. These cancellations will hurt a lot.

Didnt mean to be a reply but w/e

Next two weeks should be pretty wild, I’m guessing.

I’m guessing you’ve already seen this, and I didn’t really chase the trails out to the data sources, but, just in case…

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Shit just got real.


I mean…


If you’re worried about him getting the rest of the family sick and their risk factors, that’s fair. But if he’s healthy, so far everything we know says that this poses approximately no risk to children.


Really seems like this isn’t very dangerous for little kids. Or ponies.


Is it? What’s the endgame here? Like right at the moment the spread of COVID-19 is fairly low even in Washington state. Is the plan for Johnny to keep his kids locked up for the next 4 months or however long?

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The fatality rate is very close to zero for children so far. I haven’t seen anything about how this might affect their health going forward tho.


This is with Trump at his side. Sec of HHS feeding his ego by feeding the public misinformation.

I mean if he or his wife or their other kids have respiratory illness, I might not send one of my kids to a children’s museum where they’ll be touching stuff that literally tens of thousands of people have touched in the last couple weeks. If they care for parents who are 70+, I’d be taking precautions to isolate them or something if they think there’s a high risk someone else has been exposed. Not knowing all the details, there may be a reason to keep his son from going to this museum in an area where there have been some positive test results. I don’t think the child’s health is one based on what we know.

Full disclaimer: I don’t have kids, so a parent may feel very differently about this than I do.