Coronavirus (COVID-19)

It’s the first symptom of coronavirus, actually

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According to this there are over 90k global cases.

He’s modeling cases outside of China.

My son has a 103 degree fever…guess we will get this before the hospital gets slammed

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Ah. Might even be a bit behind.

Where do you live?

Yeah, the tracker I watch has just under 15000 right now outside of mainland China.

North Atlanta suburb

I’ve been trying to find raw underlying data that shows infections/deaths/recoveries by sex/age AND pre-existing condition, but haven’t been able to find this data anywhere. I want to see for example, the mortality rate for 40-45 age bracket with diabetes. Anyone seen this?

In my search, I did find some interesting dashboards by the Peking University analytics group. Looks like they update at least 1x per day.

Time series mortality rates and infections compared to other viruses. Note the sharp spike in the US rates around 100 cases, and the comparatively high mortality rate in Italy.

Interesting view to see the growing global impact, and differences between Infected/Recovered/Death ratios. Germany with 240 cases, 16 recovered, and 0 deaths presently.

You release them and they have to come back later. If they don’t they have to be on the run for the rest of their lives. Therefore most will come back and finish their remaining year or so and then get on with their lives.
Temporary release already happens in civilized countries all the time.

For comparison: in Germany even some murderers who serve life sentences get temporary release even without there being a threat of a pandemic. It’s not a big deal.

A couple things, though. They are releasing a decent-sized army-worth of people. I can’t imagine they have been treated all that well. Seems a little more problematic than your standard work-release type situation.

But if this isn’t the end of days, it is pretty short term thinking if they plan to have more events in the future.

Thousands may have been exposed to coronavirus on Princess cruise ship; 62 passengers confined

Lol cruise ships being a thing in the future.

I live in Melbourne (not the Florida one) and the princess Mary is sailing in this weekend. May venture down to see how empty it is.

Companies thinking short term? No way!


Can relate. My friends want to get together in a crowded bar and watch UFC Sat night. I’d be struggling to convince myself to go in good conditions. As is I’m seriously unlikely.

My mom wants me to drive out to Arizona for Royals spring training in a week and a half. Eh.

I still haven’t bought a plane ticket for my cousin’s wedding in Cancun in June. Gonna wait to see how this thing plays out.

I might be ponied here but did you guys see this?

He’s gonna be a popular guy at Dartmouth lol

Fwiw the UC Davis student quarantined was negative for coronavirus, so you know, good news everyone.


Yes it was posted already.