Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Don’t worry, I’m out.

This gets much easier with some experience.

finding out we’re all gonna die AND bernie’s not gonna win the nomination in like the last 12 hours has jmakin shook and i don’t blame him. @jmakin we love you. we’re gonna get through this.


I’m currently befriending crows. Like REAL black ass fucking crows. Don’t fuck with me, man.

It has two meanings, the one you said and one that means ‘persistently present’ - in context, usually to a particular place/species etc. tl;dr the common cold is endemic in humans in this sense.



Stay. We can get through this together.


“Too long; didn’t/don’t read”, now shorthand for ‘Basically…’

my interpretation was that he wanted an even simpler explanation lol but i can’t think of one

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I saved the image and uploaded it with the image button in the editor.

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Took them out this afternoon. Still took me like 20-30 minutes. Went on YouTube to watch a couple videos. At least I’m not alone - the comment sections are funny.

The one time I put them in at the doctor’s office was easy. Getting them out is hard.

And yeah, I’m just going with disposables (doc gave me 8 pairs of trials to start) because I’m going to use them so infrequently. I could literally go a year or more without using them.

To remove, I think I just put my thumb and forefinger about 1/8" from opposite edges and squeeze the lens, making the center bulge, then I continue pinching it a lil more and it folds in half between my fingers and is off the eye.

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Just having a normal one here in NYC. 1,000 people self-quarantining in Westchester County.

Unlikely that it’ll happen to mine either.

However, there’s a group of students on a trip to Israel and another for Austria next week. Knowing my luck, at least one of them will get it and spread it through the school.

I wish someone would tell me to self-quarantine.

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Use a tissue to scratch your face.



Trump is wondering if he can eat it with ketchup.


No, I mean endemic in the sense that the flu and other coronaviruses that are endemic: it dies out and then hangs out for a while and then flares up again.