Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Seems to me you were not very educated about the situation when you decided everybody in the thread was panicking the other day.


Absolutely. There are several levels of bias:

  1. Deaths are very likely to be confirmed, driving up reported mortality rate
  2. Tests are more likely in severe cases vs mild cases, driving down testing rate and driving up mortality rate (SK data valuable because they test more than anyone)
  3. Ongoing but unresolved cases are reporting as confirmed but not fatal, driving down mortality rate

This makes it unknowable without more and better data—a classic problem of offsetting variables of unknown magnitude (I think 1 and 2 are more extreme than 3, for the record).

But the 4-5% mortality rate among olds, plus #3 being present among these olds and #2 being perhaps not very important since mild cases are rare amongst the olds, is really not anything to celebrate.

Seems to me you’re very wrong. Lots are actually panicking itt. I bought 5 gallons of water. Lol.

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I started experiencing nearsightedness 32 years ago. If lasik was a thing back then, I was oblivious to it. But I do remember suddenly having to take a few steps towards the gas pumps to get a reading during my glorious blue collar years. The last time I renewed my driver’s license I did the eye test and couldn’t see shit after the first array they showed me and totally guessed at what they were showing me for the next 2 or 3 screens. There was a huge pause after I finished and the guy shrugged and gave me a pass. That was at least 5 years ago and I have checked the “I don’t need vision correction to see well enough to drive a vehicle capable of causing terror and mayhem” box for the last two WDL registration periods and have not had to pass the vision test since. Hmmm…it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility that I’m part of the problem here.


Making some preparations isn’t panicking. But it’s clear from your recent posts that you’re just getting up to speed with info that’s been out for a while. And as you learn more you’re getting more concerned.

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A handkerchief in the breast pocket is old fashioned, they said. You look like a fogey, THEY SAID.



If you read my post at all, it’s my reaction to it spreading to a few blocks from me (rumor). There also have been a lot of developments in the last week. Derp. But get your “dunk” if you need to. God this forum sucks.

There’s a solid chance this becomes endemic, but we’ll have a vaccine next year.

Nobody is holding a gun to your head to make you stay.

yea who cares GFY.

Endemic means limited to a geographic area. For example, lingcod are endemic to the west coast of
NA and AK. They are not found elsewhere. Pretty sure you mean pandemic.

If I see you wiping your gross diseased booger-infested handkerchief on a door handle in my office I’m reporting you to HR.


Don’t write anything you wouldn’t say to my face. Care to revise your statement?

Lol, ok tough guy. Same goes to you. I’d gladly say it to your fucking face.

G. F. Y.

FFS - take it to DM or something you morons. Nobody cares how badass you guys are.


jmakin racking up bad karma points like 3 weeks before he’s gonna die. not smart.




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Actually getting contacts again after 10 years of wearing them and 10 of not wearing them. Currently testing 2 types of dailies to see which fit best. I remember it took like 30 mins at first to put them in. Now, even after 10 years, it only takes a few seconds.

Disposable are definitely your best bet. I’m getting them for swimming and sports and so i can wear sunglasses, but I’ll probably still go with glasses 75% of the time.

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Chill out man. I think tough is a concept we don’t see the same way. I think I have a very high tolerance for pain and understand that it’s not a positive attribute. Why do you continue to contribute to such a shitty forum?

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