Coronavirus (COVID-19)



No third symptom presented and she’s back at school this morning. Attended my son’s congratulatory school function for his first trimester of high school this morning–4.0! I had a 1.6 for my opening salvo of HS, so my parenting skills obviously greatly exceed those of my parents.


Corona is still only drawing to 2 outs against you.

Yea not very encouraging. I’d rather nothing have those kinds of odds on me dying.

The person in New Hampshire that has the virus was told to quarantine themself. They instead went to a party.

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i wouldn’t even worry a little bit. A lot of patients are going to be put in isolation pending Coronavirus test results. If there are positive tests at a hospital near you the news will report on it.

Edit: those staff members kinda suck btw.

I’ve got to fade a gutshot on the river* (underlying condition CPOD, wrong end of the 40-49yr age bracket)

GL All

*assumes COVID-19 isn’t around next year, which it prolly will be

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I’m leaning towards rumor but it’s one of the top hospitals in the country, definitely the state, so I imagine it’s just inevitable anyway.


Hand sanitizer naysayers: I go to the bathroom. I wash my hands. I come back to my office and touch a bunch of shit other people have touched. I have an itch on my face. Isn’t it a good thing I can use hand sanitizer prior to touching my face in this scenario?

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Right but you also have to assume even in S. Korea plenty of people who haven’t been tested have it with no or light symptoms. Which will make the fatal case rate look bigger than it is.

I’m shocked that “Hey you might have it you should self-isolate” might not be a 100% effective strategy.


I keep thinking about this, and like others have noted also that the actual death rate may be far lower than what we are observing. But that means far more people have it than we are realizing, which is scarier. This is like a perfect storm of a virus.

Concern levels rising steadily. Meanwhile, on my local FB community pages, the trumptards are gleefully celebrating the fear and saying it’s a .00001% chance of contracting it. I wanted to comment, “Does that mean if you get it and die, I can piss on your grave?” but I fear my account is close to being zucked.

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I think the only super meaningful death rate is “sick enough to get tested vs. fatality” - that’s the one you’re really going to want to know as a patient. And they should eventually have pretty good data on that.

Knowing how contagious people with light or no symptoms are can help. But at this point it seems the cat’s out of the bag and there’s not a whole lot they can do which hasn’t been done (encourage people to wash their hands a lot, avoid crowds) - at least until an area gets hit really hard and it’s time to shut down public interaction.

Maybe but taking the assumption that all tests worldwide are the same, the stats demonstrate it’s better to be testing and identifying carriers as opposed to say making tests really hard to get and pretending it ain’t arrived here yet. Here’s hoping the US now have a test that isn’t DOA.

Do Canada publish daily test numbers and update positive stats daily? Asking out of interest, I see CA now on WHO list of Countries with ‘Local Transmission’… same as UK and USA#13 on most infected list

Interesting Fact: Stats show that up to 2 weeks incubation and most deaths happen 2 weeks after positive test. So 4-5 weeks before related death from catching it. US now got 9 deaths so COVID-19 maybe in US for up to 5 weeks already. Might have mass testing in a couple of weeks if lucky - should have done 60k tests by today if same ratio as UK

Same here. I washed my hands in the bathroom, sing happy birthday twice (which some of my coworkers are definitely not doing!) and yeah had to touch a couple door knobs = where I try to use my knuckles but on one it’s impossible and you look like a damn fool trying. If that’s got virus teeming all over my hands so be it. If it’s that contagious we’re all gonna get it eventually.

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I have an OCD tick that I’m too embarrassed to specify but it involves touching my face with the back of my hand and there’s practically zero way I can stop doing it.

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Italy closed its schools. I just got an email saying it’s unlikely my university (with like 25k students) will close, but to start preparing for the possibility

I’m washing my hands more frequently than usual, but it’s impossible to wash after every time you touch something that other people touch. So in addition to a lot more washing, I am also using hand sanitizer a lot.

Example: pumping gas means pressing touch screens, possibly lifting levers, and also handling the pump handle. I use sanitizer after that before I go touching my steering wheel/shifter since I don’t have access to a clean sink at the gas station.