Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I had a hell of time trying to remove them, particularly the right one. They required me to take them out and put them back in before they’d let me leave with trial lenses. Took me like 20+ minutes to get the right one out. I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it and my brain will let me shed my “nothing touches my eye” instincts.

I’m only getting them for rare use - just the times I’m in a movie or TV show and they won’t let me wear my glasses. Have one coming up next week and I decided to take the plunge since I hate not being able to see on set. The contacts might sit unused for a year after that.

I have to wear them for much of the next few days to get used to them.

And my insurance was actually good! The appointment was normally $130-ish even with insurance and it only cost me $25.

Does anyone know if the US is testing more now? I kept hearing that was going to ramp up once they fixed the supply glitch on the tests?

Edit: well this is good news. Sounds like they’re ramping up testing. Grand Princess cruise ship at center of coronavirus fight amid concerns about spread

The county’s move comes as the government has increased testing, which officials have warned will result in the identification of a significant number of new cases.

Los Angeles County will increase its capacity for testing of the virus at its local public health laboratory. Officials will begin daily radio briefings for the public, post new guidelines for schools and colleges, and over the next week will send “technical assistance teams” to make site visits to temporary housing facilities including homeless shelters.

Also apparently no community cases in LA yet:

None of the new cases are connected to “community spread,” officials said. All individuals were exposed to COVID-19 through close contacts.

The additional cases were confirmed Tuesday night. Officials said three of the new cases were travelers who had visited northern Italy, two were family members who had close contact with someone outside of the county who was infected, and one had a job that put them in contact with travelers.

Now I just need to decide when I want to get “sick” and pretty much forced to “wfh” for two weeks.

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Good luck with that. I thought I could get used to them because my wife can touch her pupil whenever she feels like it and I’m way tougher than her, but not where eyeballs are concerned. She kicks my ass at eyeball touching.

Ramping up to a couple of dozen tests in LA…

“We have to be prepared. We have to protect the well-being of our loved ones and our neighbors,” Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said.

Officials said they had tested more than two dozen people for COVID-19 before these recent test results came back positive, and reiterated that there had been no sign of community spread in the county.

‘Officially’ the US currently has a death rate of 10%. Same as Iran.

Hopefully the tests do ramp up soon!

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Disturbing and completely fucking hilarious.

I’m always a bit suspicion of these stats. That represents 0.001% positive but doesn’t the test itself have a pretty high error rate?

That’s true, but the problem with the Korean mortality rate derivation is that it doesn’t indicate recoveries, at least from what I saw. If you’re adding 500-1000 confirmed cases into the mix each day who haven’t had a chance to die yet (to be morbid about it), it’s going to make the mortality rate look much rosier than it is.

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0.005224 by my calcs.

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Will the USA be able to halt it from getting as bad as it got in China?

This is a terrific question. China went to tremendous lengths in order to slow spread in China. Quarantining and essentially closing down major cities, for example. These are approaches that will help slow the spread anywhere. For the US to slow spread now that it has begun, we may well have to take similar extraordinary measures and these may require collaborations across many levels of government, local, county, state, national. We will also have to ramp up testing capacity as well as screening in order to know where to focus efforts. So, we will have a lot of work to do as a country in order to prevent wide spread and we (government, researchers, doctors, etc) are working hand-in-hand to help mitigate spread as much as possible.

  • Michael Mina, MD, PhD

Math is hard :man_shrugging::wink:

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I don’t get people stocking up on tp and sanitizer. Why do people not have a couple weeks worth of soap in their house already?

I get food…and water… but the other stuff doesn’t make a lot of sense.

I feel like lots of people in the big wide world are going from never washing their hands to just dumping sanitizer on them 20 times a day.


There’s $$$ to be made here…

So the proportions coming out of Italy seem pretty concerning. The number of hospitalised seems a lot higher than I would have thought.

3,089 total cases,
of which
2,706 are current
of which
1,346 are hospitalised
of which
295 are in intensive care.

(276 healed, 107 deaths)

I am hearing rumors from hospital staff I know that the virus is in my local hospital a few blocks from me. Nothing being reported yet.

I am a lifelong smoker (quit last year) and have chronic bronchitis. I am a little concerned. It’s not how I imagined I’d go.

That said I do have a very strong immune system - most bugs, if i catch them at all, only last 1-3 days. If this goes full pandemic and I die, welp, I guess that’s it then.

Still not panicking, but levels of concern have noticeably risen.
