Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Uhhh dat not good

This is probably better:


Of course, these are the rates when you treat people early. The mortality rates in the US will not be that low.

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What is the early treatment for coronavirus? I got the sense there wasn’t really anything to do other than treat symptoms, which you definitionally only do when symptoms appear.

There’s massive selection bias inherent in trying to determine a mortality rate observationally. You need to get as close as possible to an experimental approach, which you do by testing as a shit ton of people so you don’t bias the sample. It’s extreme statistical malpractice to cite raw deaths / confirmed cases as an estimator of the fatality rate.


I’ve been saying this whole time that we won’t have reliable numbers on this until people have studied the data for years.


And even then the answers will be “it depends” like Poast Number Two in every poker hand analysis thread

But USA#1 can’t even get infant mortality right so I expect we will suck at this too

Maybe just immediately start resting, pushing fluids, taking some anti-virals? I don’t know… Maybe it’s just getting them in the hospital and monitoring them closely the second it starts?

In response and approach? Yeah, we’re taking basically the Iran approach. But we have much better infrastructure and a more stable society, so we’ve go that going for us.

Yes, but instead of licking the walls of the holy places like in Iran, here in USA#1 we lick boots.


Just a 70% increase in what was formerly spread as the high end of the death rate.

No worries.

I got students on a school trip in Israel right now. Hoping they don’t get trapped there.

Australia’s top physician has warned against stockpiling toilet paper, after stores across the country ran out as shoppers bought supplies amid the coronavirus outbreak.

“We are trying to reassure people that removing all of the lavatory paper from the shelves of supermarkets probably isn’t a proportionate or sensible thing to do at this time,” Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy told a Senate hearing Wednesday, according to local reports.

You’d think Australians of all people would have their priorities straight on post-apacolypse necessities.


Looks like the virus has reached stage two in the Czech Republic

Before the people who contracted it got it while in Italy. Now they are infecting others within the country. Two of the new infections were relatives who lived with one of the original cases and one in Prague 6 might have been a false positive. They’re retesting her.

I got fitted for contacts today. All that eye touching was fun.

This really isn’t possible. Hospitals are already at surge capacity from the flu. They can’t possibly take in everyone who will become infected with Coronavirus even if standard isolation precautions were in place. To make it worse, the CDC is telling hospitals they need to put known/suspected Coronavirus patients who need to be admitted into negative pressure isolation rooms. Those rooms are a tiny tiny percentage of bed space capacity in hospitals. We only really use them for measles, varicella, and TB. Hospital capacity for these rooms are going to be stretched to the max even if we admit only the sickest of sick patients.

We don’t really know if antivirals work for Coronavirus, and I don’t know if we even have enough stocked up to treat everyone who is likely to be infected. Most people can rest and drink water at home. There is nothing magical about IV fluids for someone who has the sniffles, nor do we have a limitless supply, drink water out of your faucet ffs.

The only way you are getting admitted to the hospital is if you need oxygen. I fully expect the reason Seattle bought a hotel is so that people can be isolated out of the hospital and use an oxygen concentrator for low level O2 requirements, because again, hospitals aren’t going to have enough negative pressure rooms to put everyone who needs low level care.


I got contacts like 10 years ago and never got used to touching my eyes. Also had a few experiences where contact got welded to my eyeball that soured me on the whole thing. Gonna wait until I’m 75 to get Lasik and do heroin for the first time.


I’m going to be so godamned pissed if this disrupts march madness.

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Israel imposed travel restrictions on 5 Euro countries - France, Germany, Spain, Austria and Switzerland - only allowed in if can prove have somewhere inside Israel to self-isolate for 14 days.

Shame on us Euros for testing our population :slight_smile:

UK now up to 87 cases from 16,659 tests