Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Went to 2 supermarkets and a chemist no toilet paper at any, barely any flour, hand sanitiser only at one. Aldi was particularly bad -only organic pasta left, barely any tinned tomatoes, tissues, canned food etc.


Wtf is it with you people and TP? You can freaking use notebook paper if you absolutely had to. Then take a nice shower and all good. It’s really not that gross if you have a trash can with a lid. 90% of the people in Mexico and Central America don’t flush their TP.

Mad Max Fury Road got it all wrong. There should have been a TP Town to go along with Gas Town and Bullet Town. The staples of human existence.

Btw if anyone wants to trade hand sanitizer for TP - I’ve got a lot of rolls of Charmin. Hit me up.


I have 4 gallons of hand sanitizer and 96 rolls of TP. No masks though so I’m still going to die; but I’m not going out with a chapped bum at least.


I thought Aussies were too primitive to use TP.

I bought a bidet! Fancy.


You can claim anything you want as clinically proven because it is not a protected statement. It is why that sentence is so popular these days on all snake oil products.


Seems pretty irresponsible not to cancel this.

However a lot of guests and companies(DC cancelled) are wisely cancelling their scheduled participation.

Speaking of shit that it seems irresponsible not to cancel…

The big spring bridge tournament (three a year) is taking place in Columbus Ohio here in 2 weeks. Will attract people from all over the world, and not just predominantly old, but very old. And has people sharing decks of cards.

Problem is organization can’t cancel this without a massive crippling loss. So here is the statement they make

Yeah this shit isn’t stopping

Government should to step in and cancel these events because private businesses are incapable of making decisions that hurt their bottom line. Not going to happen though because the government also puts business before the people.


In a deck of a thousand cards.

Americans are going to keep congregating at sporting events, political rallies, religious services, casinos, etc.

We can’t be inconvenienced when nothing bad ever happens to us.

There simply won’t be the appetite for measures like China used to slow this thing down. It’s going to spread through the entire country.


Bread and circuses ftw.

I’m supposed to go to a rugby tournament in the Philippines at the end of the month. People travelling from Hong long, Singapore, Thailand Canada etc.

What could go wrong.

Sweat and dirt kills this thing right?



In it’s just the flu news today:

  • Italy closing all schools and universities across the country
  • Germany bans export of medical protection gear
  • Germany’s health minister says that coronavirus has become a global pandemic
  • UAE closing all schools for at least 4 weeks

Yeah but the Dow futures are rebounding after America defeated socialism last night so that is good


Is it time to start actively avoiding public germ centers, like poker rooms? I can drive today after having not been allowed to for the past 3 weeks and I’m considering going to play poker, but maybe not a great idea.

According to the biggest local news station, Israel is about to close its airports to any tourist or non-citizen.

It’s World War Z!

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