Coronavirus (COVID-19)

jesus christ man eating crackers out of a box is not disgusting, either are most of the other things you listed, get a grip



Might I recommend some Zicam nose spray? They claim it has some natural anti-virals in it, and it’s probably like 99% likely to be corporate overlord bullshit advertising, but there’s a 1% chance it actual does fight the normal coronviruses, which means there’s a less than 1% chance it fights novel coronavirus… and isn’t that worth your $15 when your young one shoves his corona-covered finger up your nose?

I think Zicam may have really worked when it was zinc but it turns out, oops, that just totally destroys your ability to smell sometimes.

Pretty sure using Zicam is like putting essential oils up your butt.

(I own some.)

(checks google)

Our homeopathic nasal spray

JFC, don’t give these people any of your money. There is not a 0.000001% this does anything to stop coronavirus. It’s snake oil.


I eat ass and travel to 3rd world countries a lot and come back with gurgle butt for a month. BOOM GIMME ALL THE FECAL MATTER

Eating fingerfoods and licking your fingers A) In public, B) in an airport, and C) during a spreading epidemic, does disgust me. Strange post from you IMO.

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Yeah, anyone considering homeopathic medicines should instead watch the master explain it:


Fewer than ten deaths in the US and we’ve already reached the stage where otherwise intelligent people are turning to homeopathics. By god, there’s going to be an entire cottage industry of bullshit coronavirus cures. Like that Jude Law character from Contagion, only there will be dozens of him.


They claim to be clinically proven to reduce the length/severity of the common cold.

Homeopathy is bullshit. Watch the video I posted explaining what it is. It’s literally just filler material.

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Did he flush? If so, how?

I assume this product is 95-99% bullshit without even watching the video, but I’ll take the slight chance and it does clear my nose out when I take it, which is worth it anyway. I know the zinc lozenges supposedly can help, so I take those too if I start to feel a cold coming on.

If you want to try anything, take elderberry extract daily. It’s the only thing I’ve ever found even an iota of compelling evidence for shortening a cold or flu.

I tell girls I’m great in the sack.

  1. It’s a great video. James Randi is hilarious. 2. It’s not 95-99 percent bullshit its 100 percent bullshit. Homeopathy operates on two ridiculous principles:

  2. You cure a condition with the opposite chemical you would normally use. (Ie you use caffeine to cure insomnia) and;

  3. The more dilute the substance containing the opposite chemical is, the better it works. Except they take dilute to unbelievable extremes. Like, well beyond Avogadro’s number extremes. Like if you took a bottle of a homeopathic medicine where the active ingredient is caffeine, that caffeine is so diluted that if the bottle was the size of Pluto’s orbit around the sun, you would expect to find one molecule of caffeine in that bottle.

Cut out in half and take it out in chunks.

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It’s not zinc anymore… It’s three other things instead, due to that loss of smell thing.

Normally I hate homeopathic stuff, but I sometimes take the chewable zinc pills. Active ingredient is Zincglutamate, which also makes them sweet. Definitely don’t use a nasal spray.

I mean, just take a multivitamin like a normal person to get your zinc, don’t fuck around with homeopathics. It’s not gonna do too much for a new virus you don’t have antibodies for, but whatever.

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