Coronavirus (COVID-19)

They obviously know they don’t know what the fuck they are doing. So they are sure to say or do something really really dumb. And they don’t want any video/audio evidence of it for reasons including but not limited to not wanting anything like that to be used against Trump’s re-election.


My best friend died of cancer in July 2019. The last time I saw him, we were out and about and we went to the restroom. He broke out a Purell bottle before he peed. I told him it was a little late for such precautions.



[quote=“jman220, post:3679, topic:988”]

Number of outs for nuclear war increases.

A friend of mine who runs an IT company in Melbourne has an employee from Iran. He went back to Iran for Christmas and then got shrapnel in his knee from some bombing. I’m asking him for details on that because I’m not clear what the incident was. Anyway, he stayed there for medical treatment and then fled the country when the virus started to hit. Too late though. Today he became the 5th person in Victoria to be diagnosed with COVID-19. He has been in quarantine since returning.

I cannot say what I really want to say, so I shall present this tweet without comment:


IIRC this student recently also rode your pony.


balh, the software is supposed to tell me if the tweet’s already been posted. I blame tech.

I approve of quarantining people who touch Mike Pence.


so does Mike Pence


Maybe a different tweet, but I saw something with the same info and pretty sure it had to be in this thread.

I would like to offer the Vice President thoughts and prayers, which I know he finds more valuable than science and medicine.


Do you approve of people who should be quarantined touching Mike Pence?

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Sure, why not? Let God decide what happens to Mike Pence.

Hopefully Pence hasn’t been in close contact with Trump.

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They’re testing someone for it in Philly. Here we go…

Assume it’s everywhere. Genie has been out of the bottle for awhile imo.


i feel great and i’m pretty sure i have it


Just got off an airplane from NY to MD and am sure I have it. I feel great however.

Decent # of people wearing masks on the plane. Even larger # of people coughing on the plane. Even larger # of people munching on crackers straight out of the cracker box with their bare fingers, touching their eyeballs, touching their face, eating Chic Fil A waffle fries and licking their fingers, and so on. When I tried to really take in my surroundings and count how many people were doing things that disgusted me, I lost count quickly.


Only with their tongue.

I wonder how concerned politicians on the campaign trail are about this? Lots of hand shaking and large crowd gatherings can’t be a good way to avoid this. Plus they are all olds.