Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This is America, we’re going to leave them for dead.


We’re leaving the folks in the Seattle nursing home for dead, so probably.

And another one - this one even more ridiculous.

When a 35-year-old man went to a New York City hospital with a fever, a cough, and aches, emergency-room staffers put him in isolation and suited up in gowns, gloves, and goggles. He’d recently returned from a business trip to Japan, where at least 230 people have tested positive for the new coronavirus.

Doctors at the NYU Langone Health—Cobble Hill emergency department in Brooklyn suspected he might have COVID-19, the illness caused by the new virus. Tests for 20 other viruses came back negative, including five strains of flu. But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention denied the hospital’s request to test for the novel coronavirus, the man told Business Insider, because his condition wasn’t severe enough to hospitalize him.

Officials even told the hospital that the patient could resume life as normal, including taking the subway to his workplace in midtown Manhattan, he said.

“They kind of left me in this state which was kind of a choose-your-own-adventure,” the man said. Business Insider confirmed his identity and reviewed paperwork from his hospital visit but is keeping the man anonymous for security reasons.

“If this turns into a pandemic or whatever this is, it shouldn’t come down to individual decisions,” he added.

The man said his doctor did not agree with the CDC’s verdict and recommended ways the patient could quarantine himself at home. He’s taking the advice, though he still doesn’t know for sure whether he has COVID-19.

“In New York state, the [first] person who tested positive was only the 32nd test we’ve done in this state — that is a national scandal,” Matthew McCarthy, a Manhattan physician and assistant professor of medicine at Cornell, told CNBC on Monday.

South Korea, by contrast, has implemented free coronavirus-testing drive-thrus and tested more than 109,000 people.

I mean wtf? Why can S. Korea create so many tests so fast, and we can’t? Is this because China won’t sell us tests or soemthing?


Yep we definitely want to go back to the days when mean life expectancy was 21 in part because of all the 11 year olds being trampled to death by buffalo.

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Caught my 11-year old running out of the bathroom last night without washing his hands. I told him to go back and do it (he normally does, in his defense). His response:

“Why? I didn’t cup my hands and pee into them. My hands have a million more germs than my penis.”

He’s not wrong. He still went back and washed up, though.

I recently pondered whether I should actually be washing my hands before peeing. Is my dick carrying the virus around all day, waiting to infect someone?

Thank God I’m a virgin that lives in my parents’ basement.

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If this is accurate I kind of think Iran might be the first country to prove my “some regimes/countries are going to collapse” statement true.

For a supposedly “liberal” board I am amazed that people think this is a bad thing. Like if people are dying in the prisons of course the jails should release everyone who isn’t a dangerous violent criminal. I can’t believe the poster who has to tell you guys this is the former prosecutor.


Yea it really seems like Iran is just collapsing. Videos out of there are pretty horrific.

Thanks. Also I really need to reiterate that I never said a nuclear war was likely, just that we were drawing live to it.

It was a joke. I would assume these are non-violent criminals. I would be nervous about releasing thousands of people who could be infected, but hopefully they are taking precautions.

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I think the concern is it seems like it was done with Trumpian foresight. Plus it creates other issues including a potential secondary panic in society at large.

I don’t know people were fundamentally objecting but more like it seems haphazard.

When I play poker I wash my hands before and after I pee.


I can’t help but wonder how much the CIA is influencing what’s going on in Iran

There were on a bit of a hiatus, what with Mayor Pete running for Prez, and all, but they’ll ramp up momentarily.

This has been a really fun thread to read as I’ve been knocked on my ass with flu like symptoms for the last 3 days.

Feel better, that sucks.


How’s that different from any other day with Trump at the helm?

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