Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Anyone will be stabilized in the ER. Beyond that you are SOL without insurance. Many poors qualify for Medicaid, many others do not. There’s always GoFundMe!

Homeless folks use emergency departments like PCPs and it’s another massive problem m4a would almost completely fix.

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Punching a guy - brilliant way to not get the virus.

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Yeah, Medicare/Medicaid cuts are extremely popular amongst certain groups. Yeah, it is disgusting and imo virtually 100% of political will and capital needs to be spent addressing the problem. It’s just straight up evil.


Trump gets re-elected if he can figure out how to get people free testing (including a major ramp up in supply and testing capability) and treatment as soon as possible.

This would be a humane, ethical thing to do so I doubt it willl happen. There will legit be a part of his base pissed about this but he won’t lose them.

Well see the problem is that these people are lazy because the government helps them with the health care, if we just force them off of it that’ll give them a kick in the pants to finally go find a job that provides them with insurance. All these dumb poor people choosing to be poor instead of asking their parents for a small million dollar loan.

I honestly think there is a chance that Trump will credibility run to the left of the DemE nominee on healthcare. He just does not give a fuck.

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I mentioned this in the price gouging thread, but apparently a coronavirus aid bill is being held up by Republican objections to anti-price-gouging provisions.

Yeah, that’s a certainty.

More from Iran:

Wut? How does a temporary release work?

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I’ve never had Cougar Gold cheese, but I hear it’s very good. Gonna have to try some and I’ll get back to you with my review.

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I have absolutely no idea. Nor do I believe they’ve tested 54,000 people before releasing them. It’s pretty insane.

Yeah, lol, do they think they are going to get 54,000 people to come back to prison?

Exactly. Like when I “defended” the administration’s decision to let the guys in Japan who got positive results literally on the tarmac board the plane (didn’t even defend, just said that it seemed like a tough decision either way), folks were acting like it was Trump who personally made the call. When it was actually just a guy, like an assistant secretary at HHS, who got into an argument with a deputy director at CDC and some State Department functionary and the assistant secretary was finally all fuck it let them board.

I don’t see what can go wrong with releasing 54,000 possibly infected prisoners into the public.

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Sounds like a solid premise for a video game.


If it’s spreading in the prisons the alternative is like something 20 times worse than the cruise ship. But in prison. Both decisions seem like bad options, who knows which is worse.