Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Hey we had to add sausages to our streak pie to get some meat ffs… :joy:

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I was waiting for that… :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Yesterday (2 March 20)

Today (3 March 20) USA at 9 deaths per 90? Trump learning math from Iran. Iran 4x more tests then USA

Don’t worry, it’s just the flu!

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Yeah I made sure to put my thermometer in my room so none of my roommates use it, among other bizzare behavior now that I’ve started “spring cleaning” with a global pandemic on the mind. For instance I’ve been wanting to move an unused mini fridge from my room to the garage or garbage and now I’m like this is great I can hide food when I’m quarantined.


Yes, it’s very good. (I was introduced to it like 30 years ago when my youngest aunt was a Coug.) But I would hesitate to crown it “best,” since that’s so subjective. And there are different styles/interpretations of cheese types.

Marty, I think you would find it acceptable, but different than Irish cheddar (at least the imported ones I’ve had).

Fatboy, one problem I have with Cougar Gold is how much of a pain in the ass it is to get out of the can/“tin.” Any tips on that?

I’ve got a bet with my boss on us deaths. He took the under on 1k. Whoops.

Oh wow this is probably a good way to fleece morons, which is almost everybody.


To get the cheese out of the can, turn the can upside down and wiggle it back and forth. You may need to run a knife around the edge of the cheese or cut a wedge out of the cheese to get it out of the can.

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I’d say I’m concerned, not freaked out. Just FYI. :wink:


Thanks, didn’t occur to me to Google it… We had one this year at the family Christmas gathering and made a hash of it by trying to cut it up and extract it from the top of the tin.

And while I’m 6ixing up the thread, a couple random thoughts from a web/tech guy who works in a public health org:

  • Trump may be Trumping shit up at the federal level, but most of the work of public health happens at the state and local level, which are mostly beyond the range of Trumpification. There are a ton of smart, competent, and dedicated people in state and local public health who will do a good job. (Caveat: State and especially local public health have always been underresourced and were cut particularly hard during the 2008 recession.)

  • Trump is fucking things up to the degree he can, but I’d be cautious about pulling down agencies like CDC to score political points. Yes, they could have done a better job, especially around testing, but they’re all we have. I’d hate to see their credibility be collateral damage in our political environment. If people on the right dismiss the CDC because of anti-science/deep state/Trump told them to, and people on the left dismiss them because they’re tainted by Trump, we’re going to be in a bad place.


The CDC isn’t to blame for this. They are being actively impeded by the WH and are grossly underfunded. To think that we spend what we spend on the military while we spend what we spend on the CDC… this country is completely insane.

Time to stop being a helicopter parent and let him go make his own way in the world.

In some Indian tribes he’d be out tracking and killing his own buffalo by now. We coddle them too much these days.


One slightly uplifting thing I saw (on Chiefsplanet FWIW) - supposedly on their call today WHO said that it seems unlikely asymptomatic people are very contagious.

I’m going to go ahead and cling to that.

There are coronazombies everywhere.

Sensible people aren’t freaking out, they’re concerned and taking the virus seriously but the people who look at every new case in the US as the coming of the apocalypse are clowns


Case number two in the republic.