Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Send me your address or a PO box or something if you’re domestic and I’ll get a “tin” shipped to you. Cougar Gold is seriously the best sharp cheddar available. I’m guessing though if you use “tin” you’re in the UK?

It’s been a while but I once had to learn the science of how soap works for a Biomechanics class. The soap literally locks germs into receptor like things and engulfs them. I guess for that process to happen you need to give the soap particles the proper amount of time to do their thing. Once the germs are locked in I don’t think they can break free from the soap easily, so you’re unlikely to be spreading them back into your hands.

*I am not a doctor. Or a scientist. And I didn’t even stay at a Holiday Inn last night.

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Is this only available in a certain region of the US? I’m a huge cheese fan, but don’t recall ever seeing this stuff on the east coast.

I can get it locally in Western Washington (it’s made at WSU, which is far east Washington), but I doubt it’s available locally outside (at most) the Pacific Northwest.

But you can order it:

It’s the same price, really, with shipping as what I can get it for locally from a local butcher shop. I’ve sent a lot of it around the country to pay off football debts (my sports bets are almost always food bets rather than $$).


Can I get a little support here from the fellow Washingtonians on how great Cougar Gold really is?

Soaps are long molecules that have two ends, a hydrophobic end that will interact with, let’s say germs, and a hydrophilic end that interacts with water. Rub some soap on your hands and the germs get the soap particles on/in them, and the water pulls the whole complex off you and carries them down the sink


Some customers have aged our cheeses for over 30 years.

Tins are fine.

Worth it, and added benefit of less TP use.

The best product from a tin is corned beef.

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Fucking yikes

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Fed cutting interest rate by half a percentage point

j/k. Just bought some as desperate backup in case all else fails


I somewhat disagree. Why is the CDC inept? Hint: it’s because Trump cut their funding massively and they had to get rid of programs like the ones that fight global pandemics. Also, the guy who is responsible for this reports to a guy who reports to a guy who reports to a guy who reports to Trump… Who knows what’s being directed down that cha in of command?

They would have polled poorly on this forum where we knew the Trump administration had slashed their funding.

Right, so what you’re telling me is the radical leftist states are perpetrating the total hoax of coronavirus? Why aren’t there any cases in Alabama, hmm??? It’s cause it’s made up, folks! Do we really believe tests from California! They don’t only shit the bed, they shit the streets! Have you been to San Francisco? No, right? I mean, why would you? But this coronavirus, it’s the flu folks, it’s the flu. Typical normal flu. Russia didn’t work, Ukraine didnt work, now they’re trying coronavirus! It won’t work. Trump 2020! Trump 2024! Trump 2028! Trump forever!

I didn’t realize his gym was in a Trump Tower.

So this at first freaked me out and now it’s comforting me a bit. If/when there’s a report of a death in an area, that means an expected value of 800 cases in that area today. This is pretty scary if you live in, say, Philadelphia, Mississippi (population: 7500). But if you live in Philadelphia, PA, (around 6M people in the metro area), it’s not so scary. When the news of the first death in the Philly area hits, there will be an EV of 800 cases out of 6 million people in the metro area, which means an absurdly small chance of having contracted it (1 in 7,500).

Thus, it seems preparing well now and then waiting to do more than wash your hands a lot until someone dies in your metropolitan area is the move.

I’m going to a hockey game Thursday, I figure there’s a reasonable likelihood of 1-3 people in the arena having it, but as long as I don’t run bad enough to have them sitting directly next to me, me and my hand sanitizer will be a-okay!

As long as they don’t cough in their hands and touch the weights, the machines, the benches, etc, it should be totally fine!

In other words, YAAF.

Cougar gold cheese is delicious, and I have had plenty of Irish cheddar, which is also delicious.

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It’s going to be hard to stop touching my shit.


This is false:

In fact, all of Trump’s budget proposals have called for cuts to CDC funding, but Congress has intervened each time by passing spending bills with year-over-year increases for the CDC that Trump then signed into law.

And I think you’re overrating how far down any president, but especially Trump, can micromanage the bureaucracy. It’s questionable whether Trump had even heard of coronavirus three weeks ago.

**1:30 p.m. Westchester County man works at small law firm in Manhattan**

The Westchester County man who has tested positive for coronavirus works in a small law firm in Manhattan that employs seven people, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said in a news conference Tuesday. The man, who is in his 50s, is now being hospitalized at New York–Presbyterian Hospital and is the first patient to become "seriously ill" and require hospitalization in New York, De Blasio said.

The patient has been suffering from respiratory symptoms for the past month which recently became more severe, according to the mayor.

The man has two sons with a connection to New York City -- one who attends SAR Academy in Riverdale, who has no symptoms, and another who goes to school in New York City and has symptoms, De Blasio said. Both sons are being isolated at their home in Westchester County.

SAR academy? Cmon writers.