Coronavirus (COVID-19)

3 more deaths in Seattle.

South Korea.

Singapore has a hundred cases. There are rumors of an outbreak in Thailand, but they’re not testing.

100 cases seems pretty low for the amount of time Singapore has known about it. Maybe a data point for warm weather or cleanliness. Also my friend’s mom says the streets are empty. They really took it to heart apparently.

So 6 deaths, extrapolating to total infected at 2% death rate is around 300 infected. But Trump says there are only ~25 cases (sans cruise ship). Hmm, something doesn’t add up.


I’ve been trying to understand if the low rate in Singapore and Thailand is real and is tied to the warm weather and humidity or if there is some other reason. (i.e. - not testing, effective quarantines, etc.)

Can’t find much.

Beat me to it.

Shared it with some of my students on Facebook. More effective than letters from school.

We should get to see how the virus performs in warm weather and humidity now that it’s in Florida.

My guess is that Thailand isn’t testing and Singapore is doing a really good job of educating the public, taking strong precautions, people are doing the right things, etc.

More from Iran. Apparently there’s a growing panic among the population. A couple of days ago this happened:

Apparently there is a tremendous amount of anger towards and distrust of the Iranian government. I wonder if this could precipitate a revolution. Seems at least somewhat more plausible than the First Coronavirus Nuclear War others were hypothesizing earlier.

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Sure glad we don’t live in a country full of religious zealots and conspiracy nutjobs who don’t trust the govt in a time of crisis.


Thailand at just under 1,500 tests at 6 Thai Labs as at 21 Feb 2020. By comparison USA had tested ~450 in one Lab as at 29 Feb 2020.

I think I start believing any rumours if >7 reports of death in Thailand

am scheduled to visit for 18 days departing shortly

btw the WHO put the death rate at 2-5% as at 2 March 2020

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It takes a while to die from covid 19. 6 deaths could equal 1000’s of cases it’s just the high risk population has not succumbed yet. Look for the rates of infected that need hospitalization to jump in the coming days. That will give us a better idea of how many cases are out there.

More I read it, the more nervous I get.

Anyway, CR also banning fan attendance at the yearly biathlon normally attended by tens of thousands in Europe

Unis canceling classes. Bus companies canceling lines to Italy.

Props to the government here for acting fast.

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Could be. It was definitely weaponised during the recent election and the fact Khamenei’s played it down and treated it as a political football almost certainly means it’s out of control among the population. They’ve got limited medical facilities and limited access to adequate supplies so it’s hard to see how they can effectively combat it.

It’s a scary proposition and it’s pretty easy to start blaming the government when your dad starts dying and there’s no help coming. Add that to all the existing pressures and it could become brutal fast.

Apparently Mad Max really got it wrong not putting toilet paper up there with gasoline, water and bullets.

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Bidets ftw.

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OK virusbutt


A reminder that this exact dynamic is playing out with the more extreme ends of both parties and the Administration in the US. I guess the main difference here is much of the response will be handled locally.

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