Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This also worries me but the one thought I often have is that the Trumper / authoritarian / gun nut subsection of society is overwhelmingly cowardly in nature. They are susceptible to strong man authoritarianism, rhetoric about walls, and gun ownership because they want something to keep them safe. That something is seldom their own initiative. I think they are more likely to support giving cops increasingly authoritarian license to kill “bad guys” than they are to do it themselves.

Oh yeah for sure. I didn’t necessarily mean they’ll be out in the streets shooting (except for their true nutjob contingent). But they’ll support any amount of violence against immigrants, minorities and muslims if Trump even hints that’s the source of the outbreak.

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Went to a beerfest in Nashville this weekend. A friend that I went with had his cousin stay at his house a couple days before. Plot twist: Cousin was sick and from Seattle. I woke up this morning with my chest being tight, but no other symptoms. It’s probably nothing, but shitty timing.

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Lombardy, Italy needs 7500 ICU beds and the entire US only has 100k. This is concerning.

Damn, good luck!

Does anyone know if there’s a minimum incubation time for this thing?

My daughter has a cough and low grade fever. Watching for shortness of breath and ear pain. Ear pain is not related to the virus, but is an indication that medical treatment is necessary.

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It say the 7500 beds are in the „rest of Italy“ in the tweet.

That chart with the symptoms said about 2 days.

That’s ok. I’ve been reassured that because millions didn’t die in the US over the weekend, we’re all just worrying over nothing.

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one of the main things doctors are saying to prevent transmission is to not touch your face. the lady in the far right of this photo, who is in the inner circle of the top covid19 response force, had a priest touch her face right after touching like 200 other people’s faces.

Surely they’re all on the far right.

I’ll get my coat.


I am trying to understand the story but apparently they let someone from Wuhan who was infected go in San Antonio and that person went to the mall?!?

Edit: apparently not likely contagious but was on diamond princess and they are fighting over if two or three negative tests is enough to release them. Calling @anon10396289 to defend the freedom of these people.

I’m not at the “procure oxygen tank and necessary accessories” stage of prepping, but I’m very very close.

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Uh, what? I don’t know anything about quarantine procedures so I have no idea if they should be released after two weeks or three weeks or two tests or four tests. Or any other specifics. Why in the world did you tag me in that post?

Just got this text, I assume it went out to everyone in LA for whom they have a number.

I didn’t get one yet.

I’d like to speculate on which factors might help/hinder transmission and severity of infection. So far we know 4 places where transmission and severe infection/death rates are high - China, Iran, N. Italy and the cruise ship. Am I forgetting any?

Cruise ship is obvious - age and close proximity.

China had the disadvantage of not knowing what it was for a month or more. Also people live/work/commute in close quarters and at least the men tend to be heavy smokers I believe. Also it’s still winter in Wuhan. China has one advantage in that they can put 50 million people on lockdown.

Iran - I know very little about daily life in Iran. Do they smoke a lot? Do they eat with their hands regularly? Do the bathrooms have soap? You’re really lucky if bathrooms have a working soap dispenser in large swaths of Mexico and Central America. Is there a lot of hugging and touching and sharing of things like hooka pipes or something? I’m assuming general food cleanliness is not up to Western/Japanese/etc standards, same goes for medical care. It’s still pretty cold in most of Iran right?

Northern Italy - also probably a lot of smokers. Temps are cold, which helps other coronaviruses live on surfaces longer (unknown yet how well COVID lives on surfaces). Assuming decent food hygiene and top-notch medical care. Italians do like to kiss each other on the face as a greeting and are very touchy-feely.

Has there been a non-cruise ship outbreak in a warm weather place yet?

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For Iran - stuff like the below seems to occur on the regular:

These aren’t really the exception. Plenty of folk think these places have healing properties if they touch them. It’s a spectacular disaster in times such as these.

If you click on the thread there’s loads of people doing it, even kids - thankfully they’re at a tiny risk of death but the mentality is just appauling.

Btw we’ve got to be weeks away from a Ben Garrison cartoon accusing the Bilderberg group and his standard Obama/Hillary/Soros/Biden accompanying cast from creating this virus to sell vaccines. Assuming it hasn’t happened yet.

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