Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Well, there’s cases popping up all over England now. London, Manchester, West Yorkshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Derbyshire, Gloucestershire.

That’s quite a lot of different places.

The March sumo tournament will take place, but without any spectators in the arena:



Some of us don’t live in the continental US.

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I would be pretty cautious about the analysis from that virologist. It looks like it’s mainly based on phylogeny and not much else, which almost always is based on an assumption of a uniformly random mutation probability of known rate, which may be dubious, and also, we’re almost certainly talking about a pretty small number of mutations. Also, I don’t think his p value calculation of taking the number of viruses with a given mutation and dividing by the total number of viruses sequenced is remotely accurate. It does look like evidence that the virus is a descendant of the first WA one, which means its had time to incubate and mutate, but there are big error bars around that 6 week estimate.

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I’ve heard from several plumbers that flushable wipes will still completely clog your drain system and that they get calls all the time from people who use flushable wipes.



Anyone have future plane tickets and wondering what to do with them. I never get travel insurance but even if I did, it looks like I’d have to eat the cost anyway. I somehow doubt that “fear of coronavirus” or “event canceled due to coronavirus” would count as covered events.

I have a flight in a few weeks, I haven’t decided what to do yet. I assume I’m just eating the cost if I don’t go.


70 dead with one OG dying in a country with 400 million.

If this thing doesn’t get way worse in the next few days, the stock market is going to gain everything it lost in march.

I’d say less than 1% travel insurance will cover a cancellation.

It’s just getting started.

Case confirmed in Rhode Island

I mean, thats pretty much where he started yesterday with his “We’re looking at the southern border” bullshit.

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American here, those all look the same to me.


Somewhat of an aside, but a huge percentage of tap water in the US has hexavalent chromium in it at unsafe levels. That’s the cancer-causing chemical of Erin Brokovich fame. Brita type filters don’t remove it, you need a reverse osmosis filter. Counter top versions run about $450 on Amazon, FWIW.

tested for that or other bad stuff…

Holy shit thats like 200 bucks in jerkey

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Sorry I wasn’t clear why I was asking.

I work in the environmental industry. I was asking what you wanted to test for to point you in the right direction. I wasn’t questioning the need to test.

Just general water quality/test for bad stuff. I would want to test somewhere that isn’t just trying to sell me stuff after.