Coronavirus (COVID-19)

how do i get my tap water tested without getting scammed?

that makes sense. i did clear the shelf (15 packs) of box chicken noodle soup at Target and large size teriyaki jerky (8 packs).

I live in Sydney and bought rice, beans, chocolate, pasta, soda, sauces because we normally have maybe 2 days worth of food at home and if we both come down with it at the same time then that could suck. So far it does seem to follow the flu pattern of being slowed down by warmer weather so maybe this hot summer has 1 positive after all.

Nothing here in the CR but I carry a week of food in my flat. Just buying double of everything and I’m cool.

Most people are chill here. Travel warnings going to and from Italy. Direct flights from China banned for the last month. Easier to act fast when the place you live in has 10 million not 300 million people and people are already racist af here.

It’s a good thing you didn’t meet @dlk9s’s wife. The two of you’d probably have hit it off, gotten hitched, and then starved to death.

Yaaaaay, it’s here.

Glad to report that I have enough single origin coffee in cold storage to last at least another month (and probably two if I ration). I’m gonna enjoy drinking that while I watch this idiot call a developing pandemic a hoax and the stock market dip into scaritory.


Definitely long term problem potential. Place I am renting now had a huge issue two months in due to previous tenant using flushable wipes. Had to have plumbers come three times to finally clear everything out.

They are bad news.

Unfortunately not the case.

Tested for what?

I mean, everyone should pretty much always have a few weeks food stockpiled. A natural disaster can knock out services for that long.

I believe one person asked if it was possible.

Why is jalfrezi in a panic about people who are not panicking supposedly panicking?

I agree. There has been lots of talk of food but little talk of meds. I think people should have a months supply of meds for sure. Meds access could be a pinch point long before food access.

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The national meeting of the American Physical Society has been cancelled the day before it was scheduled to begin because of coronavirus concerns.

It won’t let me add images or links (because I’m new?), but the announcement is at march dot aps dot org.

(back to lurking)


Yeah, it was me and it was because numerous people are stockpiling water and I wanted to know why they think the tap water is at risk of being cut off… Because that seems absurdly unlikely to me.

The anti-spam limitations for new accounts are pretty brief and easy to surmount. I manually removed them for you, but you would have cleared them anyway with even casual lurking as a logged in user.

Depends on where you live.

Stock up on essential oils.

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Bull shit, you definitely could, any contractor worth their salt could. ;)


There is literally no place in the continental US where a natural disaster can’t knock out supplies for a week or so.