Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Here the EPA guide

Recommendation would depend on you location and if you are on well or public water service.

Headed to Costco in suburban LA (for regular shopping). Interested to see if it’s a bigger shitshow than usual.

He constantly lies, he’s already lied about this on numerous occasions… Just wait until he announces that ICE and DHS have determined that the cases in Washington and California all traced back to illegal border crossings, and that they’ve begun testing for it and astoundingly like 80% of illegal immigrants have coronavirus.

The number of confirmed cases in Italy has risen to almost 1,700, and the death toll has increased from five to 34, Reuters reports.


I used this site and put my zip code in: EWG Tap Water Database. I have six carcinogens ranging from 18x to 286x the safe limit.

I just don’t see the U.S. being willing to make the sacrifices necessary to contain this until it’s too late. Money > Health in the US and it won’t be any different this time. And the government won’t force things because Trump’s more worried about the stock market affecting his reelection.

Pretty sure they are all within 2 miles of each other on that little island.

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Not going to lie sounds like a page from a water filtration sales scam pamphlet that is super common these days.

It seems likely that the time for containment has passed anyway.

Fwiw almost ever EMS call I had yesterday was for people getting absolutely wrecked by the flu :mask:

Yea maybe containment is the wrong word. But it does seem like China had some success slowing things down (unless they are just hiding the reality) by enforcing draconian lockdowns and quarantines. I don’t see the possibility of similar happening in the US. Americans can’t be bothered. They will still be grouping up by the 10s of thousands at sporting events, political rallies, concerts etc.

[x] partially-cropped screenshot
[x] from reddit

… but I can practically see that school from my back garden. Not looking great, chaps.


I mean at least they know where they got it from and can quarantine them.

Just heard from a friend who is an ICU nurse in norcal. No big news, but they are running out of masks because people keep stealing them.

They’ve started locking them up.

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The novel coronavirus has probably been spreading undetected for about six weeks in Washington state, where the first U.S. death was reported this weekend. A genetic analysis of the virus from a newly diagnosed patient in Snohomish County closely matched that of a specimen from the first known coronavirus patient in the United States, who traveled from China in January.

The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that these cases are linked through community transmission, researchers say, and that this has been going on for weeks, with hundreds of infections likely.

Very happy to have well water. If I only had solar panels.

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Only half spamming here - happy to help for free. I guided a couple people from outside my state through it on 2p2.


It’s not spam when the solar Bat Signal goes up.


It was indeed a bigger shitshow than usual. Lots of people buying 10 cases of water, which I really don’t understand (and is why I asked about municipal water supplies in the first place). If the virus is really coming in through the water, then that’s that.

Current mood: we’re all getting this thing. Some people will get really sick and die, some won’t. Reasonable precautions should be taken, but unless you’re sealing yourself in a bunker for six months you’ll still be vulnerable.

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There is literally no place in the world where a natural disaster can’t knock out supplies for a week or so.

There are places where natural disasters are far less likely (excluding giant asteroid level disasters). At least that’s supposedly one reason some companies liked the Phoenix area.