Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Well sure same here. But i can still cook my rice if the power goes out.

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I think rice cooked on the stove is better but for the above reasons i ended up caving and buying a rice cooker.

Cooked rice on the stove until 35. Girlfriend finally forced me to buy the rice cooker. Now im completely sold. Will never go back.

One less thing to think about. Super simple and easy. Can focus on cooking the other things.

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WA based virologist thread below:

-recent genome sequencing suggests cryptic transmission in WA for the past 6 weeks.

-current best expectation is “several hundred infections.”

My rice cooker sings to me. It plays one melody when I start it, and a different one when it’s done. It’s mind-boggling how much joy this simple thing brings me. I love it so much.


Question - if these viruses can mutate so much that they’re traceable to this degree - could those mutations also affect their severity/mortality/communicability?

Costco subreddit is full of prepper/prepping posts.

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Again - IMO Costco people on some subconscious level have been preparing for this in their mind for a long time.

My opinions are my own and do not reflect those of my employer or anyone else.

I kind of get where you’re coming from, but the “equipment” has nearly nothing to do with it.

Out of curiosity, what sort of “better equipment” do you think was involved in the club sandwich you had? How about the Taco Bell?

One club and one bell?



short answer: yes, with an if.
long answer: no, with a but.

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Well, let me help you out here. Based on how you’ve described your diet, the stuff you generally eat requires little skill or special equipment.

It would require time and effort to prepare yourself, and if you don’t want to get arsed up to do all off that, that’s a perfectly understandable reason to eat out a lot. The way you initially described it made it sound was that the problem was equipment and skill rather than time and effort.

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+1 for properly escaping ascii shrug man’s left arm (or maybe it’s his right arm from his perspective). Even the programming masterminds here thoughtlessly amputate the guy ¯_(ツ)_/¯, always leaving a grotesque floating Thing T. Thing to torment us.


Your dietary situation deserves its own thread. Lord Jesus what am I reading here.



short answer: not really

shorter answer: uhhh coo be

Maybe he’s going to sow together one giant condom like in Naked Gun?


TIL there’s a Costco subreddit. :joy:

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