Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I don’t think we are going to suffer a complete collapse of US society. I think it is likely nations that are not as well off as China or the US absolutely will collapse. I also do not believe the numbers or information coming out of China.

I feel like when all is said and done, one of these Costco thunderdomes is going to have been a major cause of coronavirus spread.

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We have no idea of what kind of hell went/is going on in the quarantined areas, do we?

All I know is my area once lost power for a week, and let me say that experience does not give me the warm and fuzzies regarding how I think Americans will handle a real crises and hardship. That is to say, we’re all spoiled and softer than baby shit. And crazy as a loon and armed to the teeth on top of it all.

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Now would be a good time to purchase a gun.

Still time to buy gold imo


From my perspective, I think the goal of stocking supplies is so that you won’t need to go to the grocery store or pharmacy when coronavirus has hit your city. There is really no downside of stocking up a few months worth of food that you will consume anyways…


I’ve used my stove and microwave a combined total of once in 3 years. Gonna let it ride.

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What do you eat?

Restaurants, fast food, casino buffet. Get delivery or bring home a snack maybe twice a month.

What did you eat all day today?

Taco Bell for lunch, club sandwich for dinner.

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I’d get sick of eating takeaway/restaurant food. I like the food I cook.

There’s no shame in not being able to cook as well as professionals with much better equipment.

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I miss cooking. One more thing I can start doing again after March 3rd, lol

watching netflix, playing the occasional video game, skiing, talking to my husband, hiking, posting on here, playing poker, and reading books are among the others.


I wasn’t trying to shame you fwiw, more me bragging if anything.

Inside info that Pete is suspending his campaign after Tuesday?

no, but CA votes Tuesday. After that, I can breathe a bit.

I will text and call into later states, but nothing like running a county-wide volunteer network, lol

speaking of coronavirus…Pete’s last pre-super tuesday rally is here, at the border. They told us this information 2 days ago. You can imagine how much sleep I’ve had. We’ve only had a few people say they wouldn’t come for fear of the virus, though.


The only issue I am having now is I am eating like it’s a holiday because I bought so much food.

For this reason, I think I recommend buying multiples of the same stuff you usually eat so there is less incentive to binge (variety).

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What do you need a rice cooker for? Never learned to cook on the stove?

love my rice cooker because it’s fire and forget. No need to wait for water to boil, drain anything, fluff with fork, etc. Put the rice on and cook whatever else in the meantime.