Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Well, my landlord hasn’t said, and he’s responsible absent notice.

And after eating those for a month you don’t even care if you die. It’s a win/win.

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Can someone explain why people are stocking up on rotisserie chicken?

Just don’t actually flush the supposed flushable wipes, they will destroy your plumbing.

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It’s cheap and delicious?


Rumors the Kenny Roger’s Roasters is going out of business


I feel as though there’s a need for a shtf thread where people can plan their preps.

although any good prepper knows not to let everyone know their exact preps and plansThis text will be blurred

We really need a survivalist thread. Just like to add to suzzer’s recommendations that anyone who has the time and money should have a piece of land with a storm shelter or an underground house.

Anywhere near a natural spring is a huge plus.

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I didn’t think this group could be reduced to this level of waafness but I guess it’s a good measure of how deep the shit is getting.


You could end up in an area that is quarantined for 14 days. The CDC recommends having a two week supply of food on hand.

Thoughts on water? I didn’t stockpile any but I have a reverse osmosis filter so I’ve got the tap.

I’m mainly joking but also enjoying riling up the we are not all fucked ppl. It’s a win win.

Seriously though I think I have some emotional baggage from when I was a kid as for years now I’ve always needed to have at least a months worth of food available or i feel a little uneasy. I obviously also have an extra large emergency savings but the food has to be there or I feel very stressed. Thats a me issue not a coronavirus issue.


I agree that if we are at the water is shut off phase we are at a level of waaf’ness that not even I think is likely. At least not in this country. Absolutely I could see some poorer nations breaking down.

Probably not the right thread but since it’s here I’ll ask anyway.

If I flush a flushable wipe and it goes down the toilet and the toilet flushes normally afterwards, does that mean everything is fine? Or is there some sort of long term problem that I am potentially causing. I’ve been flushing a lot of them for years and haven’t noticed any problems.

Wait how did you hack this thing to make it look like my post? I’ve never used a flushable wipe in my life sir! You have besmirched my good name. Pistols at dawn.


Kinda what I was thinking. Like, it either screws with the sewage treatment plant or it doesn’t, but it definitely moves through the pipes onto the next stage.

But seriously though. If anyone sees a deeper dive where I can see what the 70-79 year olds w/o those 4 diseases (IE - my Dad and Mom) look like I’d be much appreciated.

I always cram the empty space in my fridge full of 2L soda bottle full of tap water. This has nothing to do with prepping, it just increases the thermal mass and makes the fridge more energy-efficient. Everyone should give it a try.


Thanks - He looks to be 60.

I know that I may be in the minority here but I don’t see any credible reason to panic at all.

Those panicking fearing the upcoming panic doesn’t seem realistic for a shit ton of reasons.

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