Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Stocking up on foie gras and Beluga caviar as we speak

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You mean “flushable”.

Hope you’re not financially liable for clogged plumbing in that place you’re renting.


Welcome to the forum, Bloomer.

I have to pick up new glasses at Costco next week. Did a small shop last time, but I plan to pick up a bag of rice and some honey and such. Rice lasts 10+ years and think honey lasts like 1,000. I have 3 backup 5 gal water jugs, but if the tap stops working it would be a real shitshow generally. Hell, Amazon prime grocery delivery may outlast the utilities anyway.

pretty surprised that rice lasts 10 years unless it is vac sealed or something.

If the weren’t actually flushable, it would be trivially easy to make them illegal.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - situation in Scotland

A total of 630 Scottish tests have concluded (as of 29 February 2020).

Of these:

  • 630 tests were confirmed negative
  • 0 tests were positive

We will publish updated data on this page on a daily basis after 2pm until further notice.

The Department of Health and Social Care publishes UK figures, on behalf of all UK Chief Medical Officers. Test results from Scotland are included in the overall UK figure.

That little bit of country holding up quite well… :tongue:

A shame about the weather though :sweat_drops:

9 Foods That Last Forever

Panic hoarding could cause shortages even if there aren’t any supply chain disruptions

I have a feeling that we’re total noobs at this. I suspect prepper/RWNJ forums probably have sticky posts/FAQs for how to deal when utilities shut down, etc. Like, they don’t buy water, they buy purification tablets, etc. They don’t buy cans of tuna, they have 5 gallon drums of reconstitutable fish protein. And, “tips” like buy 1k hot cocoa packets.

Rotisserie chicken? That ain’t prepper food, that’s an easy dinner from Costco.

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Why would the tap shut down, though? I guess of the virus was being spread through it? Is that even possible?

So far everything the “overreactors” have predicted has come to pass. Meanwhile the Naysayers all look like head in the sand idiots.


#1 is live somewhere in the hills where you can defend your property from all sides and live off the grid for a while if necessary.

If society really breaks down some group with the weapons is just going to start raiding densely populated areas for whatever they can steal.

Move to somewhere like Alaska or Patagonia might work - where it’s not worth their trouble and you can have a community living off the land.

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No one has said the virus can be transmitted through water. The only reason the tap would shut off is zombie apocalypse levels of fucked.

Also, don’t live in prime nukein territory, like 5 mins from, and right between, a Navel Weapons Station and the busiest port on the west coast.

You guys should quit fricking around and just buy a bucket of mre’s. You can get a months supply (single person) for ~ $200 that last for 30 years. Of course, you need to have H20 stocked up.

That makes all your other temporary stocking up so much more simple.

I’m for sure a prepping noob but I do have 2 months worth of macaroni and cheese. So that is something.

Not sure what would happen if the water utility goes down for an extended time but I think there will be so many other associated problems that we are truly all fucked.

My landlord says they’re a no-no.

That’s why I say it pays to panic early and often.

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People in certain places in Australia were told to not drink the water during the bushfires due to contamination.