Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Man dies of COVID-19 became 19 year old died of corona virus. Also if this gets bad enough that utilities like water and electricty start failing then 1 month of food supplies is not going to make a difference and those doomsday preppers with guns will take over America.

Shelves being empty is not an unlikely scenario.

Lol brb, stocking up on rotisserie chickens.

Costco is a freaking demolition derby waiting to break out into a fist fight on a good day.

CVS is probably brimming with hand sanitizer. But such a poor value!

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If you’ve got an old school water heater that’s good for a while.

Apparently they were completely cleaned out of toilet paper, too.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this forum it’s that you people use a fuck of a lot of toilet paper.


Did you notice if they still had any 2008 Cristal and Dom Perignon?


It was MrsWookie who went. I’m too bad of with hand foot and mouth. Which fucking sucks, man. I got big ass blisters on my elbows, my right foot hurts all the time, my finger pads itch, I got sores on my knuckle creases that make it painful to bend my hands. Fuck this shit, man.


Can’t we just order our food from Amazon Prime?

My ex’s mom lives in Singapore - says the streets are empty. But she’s enjoying eating at all the 3 star restaurants she could never get into.


Sure, if you want a little sampling of the microbiome of every other house in your area.

Not following. Is it because the driver is ringing doorbells?

Literally every country I went to on my trip they throw their toilet paper in the trash can because the pipes can’t handle it. It’s really not that bad with a closable lid. What I’m saying is you can wipe your ass with anything if you absolutely have to.

proof capitalism fails.jpg sanders2020

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Just get a bidet from home depot.


Personally, I’ve moved to flushable wipes. Was happy to see Costco offering their own branded version when I was there last week. Among other things, they are easier to store and a box lasts quite a while. Also, imo, generally superior, um, wiping experience.

East coast situation report: grocery stores normal

I’ve got enough tuna and rice for a month, as long as I have power for the rice cooker. Also in theory I have enough fat stores for several more months. And I’ve got REI meals for 2 weeks. No rotisserie chickens though, dammit.

Then you best get while the gettin is still good.

Best drive around and take a little from each store, so as not to start a panic.