Coronavirus (COVID-19)

How long can you really quarantine yourself though? Are you banking on this ending in a few months when it warms up enough?

Yeah. This is gonna run for months. And you are gonna need to get food somehow. Either that is possible or it isnt.

Hoping anyway. I’m watching Singapore and Thailand. They both had early cases and it’s barely spreading. However, I don’t know if they’re testing or what else they are doing. I was hoping to get some discussion about this ITT (with maybe some people that had knowledge about what’s going on in those countries) but nobody bit.

Anyway, it’s possible that both those countries might be showing the positive aspects of warmer temps and humidity. So I’m saying there’s a chance!

Either that or governmental competency in which case WAAF.

I think we could go two months right now. But with some luck we don’t need to start for another month or two, and then summer is almost here. We can’t do this unless they decide to close my daughters school early for the year, and we are a long way from that happening at this point.

Thailand is showing a huge increase in “viral pneumonia.” They aren’t increasing because they aren’t testing.

On the media said only 450 people had been tested in the US and the test they use is total shit and near worthless.

Well that’s really bad news.

Singapore seems to be doing better. But they’re the most vigilant country.

No matter how serious things get I can always count on a handful of people itt to still completely overreact.


Have you considered you may not be thinking straight? Could be that deer meat!


I ate a vegan dinner tonight. True story!

See now I know something is wrong with you. Are you feeling irritable?

I started feeling irritable in the 7th grade.


So you’re patient zero?

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The Farmers joined the movement when Macaroon went after the pension system… :joy:

why are people saying that the US death was 19 years old?

The early reports said it was 19, looks like they might have been in error.

CDC has accepted responsibility for that mistake.

Edit: Wait…

Opps… Wrong

I sure would like to see those age brackets for people who don’t have the 4 diseases listed. We have the information. Age by itself is a lot less useful than age + diseases + gender.