Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I wonder how long the candidates will stay on the trail. Forget the optics, even. Most of the candidates are over 70… They’re at pretty high risk if they catch it, especially Bernie and Joe as they’re older and it impacts men more than women… Plus Bernie coming off the heart attack may not have the strongest immune system.

They don’t block the virus at all. Ones that can are super expensive and break down quickly because of the humidity from your breath they trap.

(According to on the media).

They also said even if you can get the right ones you should be leaving them for healthcare workers.

Anyone who does not have two weeks of nonperishables stocked up right now is stupidly sticking their heads in the sand. You can order this shit online FFS it’s not hard.

There’s still time for this but it always is better to do it before everyone else thinks of it. I’d say a month worth though just in case your area gets hit before summer starts up. One of those things that likely won’t hit but it’s not worth the risk of getting completely screwed.

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I have 2 months so we can make it to springtime. Of course, I work in an area/industry and company with constant travel between Japan/China/Korea/USA and I’m pretty sure within 7 days or so we’ll find out Boston is right up there with the Bay area in being already screwed.

It’s 63% women in South Korea so far.

Anything cultural in Korea which could explain that? Like men in Korea don’t like going to see the doctor?

I was thinking about this as well. Definitely seems like Bernie marching with a crowd or Liz taking selfies might have to stop soon.

Yeah that shit is scary as fuck :(

If they’re worthless then why are they an important resource for health care workers?

So that they don’t spread things between patients, most likely.

I’m flying interstate to see my family in a couple of weeks. Things are going to have to be pretty bad for me to cancel. I guess I just take hand sanitiser and hope for the best.

For things other than the corona virus.

Somebody on the bogleheads forum just posted this email they said they received from “WA representatives”:

[begin paste]

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

We have been informed by Public Health – Seattle & King County that there are multiple cases of coronavirus in King County, including multiple people who are hospitalized. Sadly, one individual has also died.

These illnesses are associated with an immunocompromised population in a nursing home and a dialysis facility in Kirkland. Public health officials are working closely with their leadership, staff, and families to contain and manage the situation at these facilities.

Health officials are also working as rapidly as possible to identify others in the community who have been exposed, isolate them and get them tested.

Public Health – Seattle & King County is fully activated. They are in close contact with CDC, State DOH, hospitals, the Emergency Medical Services system. The CDC is sending a high-level team to King County to help with the response.

King County government is coordinating together with Public Health to share information, deploy resources, and respond at maximum capacity.

We are fortunate in Washington to have expert public health officials who have experience in responding to pandemics, including coronavirus. We can all help by staying informed and following health guidance carefully.

If someone has symptoms, they should call their doctor - not go to the hospital. The doctor will make an assessment about next steps. If it requires a COVID-19 test, the doctor will then contact King County Public Health and they will arrange a test.

This is a very quickly moving situation and information is changing. You can keep informed on the Public Health – Seattle & King County website and Facebook page: … virus.aspx

Good personal health habits help prevent respiratory infections, including coronaviruses and influenza. These are simple yet effective actions, like staying home when you are sick, covering your coughs and sneezes with an elbow, sleeve or tissue, and frequently washing your hands with soap and water (or using at least a 60% alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available). See more here: … h-officer/.

For more information:



[end paste]

I’ve just sat down to write a shopping list of nonperishables that we need anyway. Still feeling very silly. Especially when the missus asked “what are you doing”

To test this out. What sort of scenario are we expecting? Empty shelves at the supermarket? Major cities on lock down like in china?

I feel like both of those scenarios are pretty unlikely. We are gonna get a lot of sick people. Hospitals will be pretty nuts. A bunch of older people will die. But this is gonna happen over months, none of this leads to any serious societal shut down…

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Again let me state I am not an expert.

They explained it that some very expensive masks do protect from the virus. Not the ones 99.99% of people are buying.

These good ones have such fine mesh/filters that they last only 4 hours because along with blocking viruses they block all the moisture in your breath which degrades the mesh/filter.

Just went to my grocery and it was kind of slow. Fully stocked shelves. You damn crazy yanks are eroding my natural Canadian “meh it will be fine”. :grinning:


Your govt appears to be taking this very seriously, which is nice. You might be able to fade the worst of it. I’m considering possibilities that it could get bad enough here that I choose to quarantine my family, so that’s what I’m preparing for. Just waiting for work to tell us all to work remotely for now. There were big meetings this week so it might happen soon.

Surgical masks are designed to keep the wearer from getting other people sick. Which makes sense because tens of thousands of patients die picking up communicable diseases at hospitals. That’s the reason doctors wear then instead of patients.

OTOH, N95 masks don’t filter what you breathe out at all because they’re not designed for diseases.

That is correct and medical n95 masks are designed to handle fluids, but regular n95 are not designed to hold up against fluids. That’s probably the ones they were talking about.