Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Indiana ranked 41 in healthcare when Pence was governor.

You can stop one or the other, but not both.

The bad news is, moderate Democrats get to decide which one.

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This is why I’ve suggested death rate would end up higher than the current figures in a large scale situation. 15% hospitalization rate. Obviously, we do not have anywhere near the resources for this in that scenario much less adding in all the other shit people have to go to the hospital for, so their worst outcome chances increase, etc etc.

tl;dr hope it goes away shortly when it warms up

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Yellow vests :thinking:


Lol at 5k being the cutoff

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To be honest I have thought there was a lot of unfounded panic over this but this weeks episode of On The Media basically said we are in real trouble. I’ve been listening for years and their entire reason d’être has been to explain why panics are almost always overblown! They almost went as far as saying it’s time to panic.

I think I’ll be shopping tomorrow.

Ps they also pointed out all masks are worthless so save your money.

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Bay Area folks just having a normal one today: mayhem at the grocery store, which was totally sold out of hand sanitizer. Crowds at Costco completely bought out all the chicken of all cuts in the meat department, lines for rotisserie chickens stretched into other departments.

Ok if we’re getting serious about actual doomsday prepping type behavior ITT, do we think municipal water supplies remain safe?

I don’t see why they wouldn’t. I have a reverse osmosis filtration thing too, though, so I think as long as it’s running I’m okay.

I’m going to assume if water and electricity become a widespread problem due to this that means we are so truly fucked I would rather just make my exit. So no water hoarding for me.


I bought a bunch of extra toilet paper, not sure why as we have enough but seems like a bad thing to run out of. Have tons of diapers and wipes for the kiddo. Oh also I bought sponges, gotta keep the dishes clean. Not really sure if I should stock up food of any sort, I’d prefer to only buy food that I would eat either way and not have a bunch of canned crap that I don’t want taking up space. Maybe I should grab a few jars of peanut butter.

A poster on another forum reminded me that rubbing alcohol works perfectly fine as a hand sanitizer if your local stores happen to be out of hand sanitizer.

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RE: masks, they’ll be handy to have around if hospitals are overwhelmed and someone in my house gets sick right? For the sick person to wear.

Apparently you can combine rubbing alcohol and aloe to make your own sanitizer gel.

There’s been a potential outbreak at a nursing home in Kirkland - Washington state.

At a nursing facility in Kirkland, Wash, approximately 27 of the 108 residents and 25 of the 180 staff have some symptoms, health officials said during a teleconference with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Authorities report that some among them have pneumonia.

I’m hoping our municipal water and power supplies aren’t all staffed by people over 65+, but I guess we’ll see.