Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Don’t travel to areas of Italy and South Korea. Level 4 travel advisory.

“The average American does not need to go out and buy a mask.” M. Pence.

They have 45 million masks and 3M will make 35 million more a month.

Mill Creek, WA

Grunching but yeah my wife cleans her phone all the time yet I rarely do. I did just wipe it down with alcohol wipes at work and should continue to keep a close eye on it (also I work in a hospital).

Cool, cool. These guys are on top of this.

Oh I get it. Referring to the Coronavirus as a hoax was about the democrats and not the coronavirus itself.



“We are thinking about southern border”

To be fair was a dumb question. But of course they would use any reason to down the brown.

“They were unhealthy anyway. What ya gonna do?”

He said “thankfully this mostly affects older people”

Way to pander to the base, buddy

I for one am feeling very positive after this presser that Trump has this fully under control and I am definitely not running to Costco today to stock up on supplies.

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Starbucks are open in China so things are under control according to Trump.

Also death is showing no link to travel but everyone at low risk. Cool cool.

“As long as somebody smart is right here there will be no problems.”



“We are most prime.”

Gee Mike, I wonder why it was YOU who had an HIV outbreak…

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Might be blepharitis.

Strong numbers! You saw them Friday.