Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I wasn’t going to but the asthma takes my risk up at least to the 60+ age level, if not a little higher.

Fucking Democrats

So that’s why Rump is calling a presser. Odds he disputes the death was caused by coronovirus ? Gotta keep that official # to 0.

It’s a hoax. No one died. “Grieving” relatives are crisis actors.

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paging luckbox.

MSNBC just reported the first american to die was 19 years old

Early wrong speculation on CNN had it pegged as an old. A 19 year old is significantly more problematic.

Also South Korea has gone from like 30 cases to three thousand in a week (sorry my numbers are not accurate going from memory). Suffice the increase in SK cases is massive. Although a big part of that may be a cult.

I still think we could see a massive jump in cases here in next ten days.

Prior health issues?

We are lucky the first victim in the US is not the President.

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What kind of hourly can you expect?

Wtf Trump we don’t give a shit about Afghanistan this minute.

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He looks sweaty and lethargic. Probably sick


Three times!

Why have his eyes been nearly closed with puffiness.

Trump says a vaccine pretty much done deal. Lock this thread.

Thats just how they look

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“we are doing very well, very professional handled” - Donald J. Trump.

Just glad it seems all this is beating him down. I hope it grinds him to a pulp.


Mike Pence on Travel! Come on down!

Imagine walking around like you fell asleep with sun tan eye protectors on.