Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I had my 1st experience with another dinner-goer at Subway earlier tonight, who upon seeing me blow-my-nose into a napkin, thought it wise to conspicuously make-use of his shirt and jacket to cover his mouth and nose.

I don’t look near as sickly as I used to!

Same here. I spend two days in San Antonio last week and am feeling some cold-like symptoms. When I read the headline I thought I was doomed.

My coworker has been off the last 3 days with the flu. Should I turn him in to the authorities?


Oregon health officials on Friday reported a coronavirus case of unknown origin. The patient is from Washington County, with no known history of travel to places hit hard by the outbreak, and no contact with a known case of the virus.

There have been two other community transmission cases identified in California. This is the first coronavirus case in Oregon.

I have to say surprisingly there is no panic here. I was kinda expecting empty streets and my street still smells like weed and not fear.

My mom was suppose to visit in two weeks for the first time since we moved to the US. That won’t be happening.
I guess i’ll also avoid Stones for the near future.

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Imagine if this thing had a 60% fatality rate like SARS or w/e.

Like is it just dumb luck that it doesn’t or is there some relationship between mortality rate and ease of transmission?

not killing people is helping it spread

this is plague inc 101


A 60 percent fatality rate would make it far less deadly.

This sign went up at a SLC hospital last night. I hadn’t noticed any indication of special concern until then.

Has the Oregon case been reported?

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I’m spraying anyone who comes within 3’ of me with an antiseptic mist.

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The last post was a joke. But seriously I wipe my cell phone down pretty often.

Clickbait is so bad for this stuff. A news site here had a headline something like SCARY CORONAVIRUS DEVELOPMENT: WOMAN IN QLD TESTS POSITIVE WITH NO LINK TO CHINA. I’m like “she was somewhere else where is it though, right?”. Clicked through, “woman just came back from Iran”. Yup.

New case in Toronto that is linked to Egypt because he had travelled there… There has been only one confirmed case in Egypt and that case is listed as recovered.

If you don’t mind, what did you pay?

Video bonus question (anonymous):

How would the WHO grade your hand washing technique?

  • Pass
  • Fail
0 voters
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So we have someone who works at an elementary school in the suburbs of Portland (OR) and a case apparently about to be announced in the suburbs of Seattle, both with no known origin.

It’s in the wild, boys. Best of luck to all, sincerely.

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I’m blaming that diplomatic team trump sent

Target Restock and Prime Pantry both have a wide selection of nonperishables for the coming viral apocalypse. No need to go to the store. Use their store credit cards for 5 percent cashback.

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