Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Is it a coincidence that all these supposed positive tests are coming from communist states with out of control homeless?

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Also for my fellow parents out there, nonperishable milk boxes can be purchased from target.

Edit: not truly no perishable, but last for 6 months and don’t have to be refrigerated until opened.

Edit: Amazon has it too:

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Y’all can make your own hand sanitizer from rubbing alcohol and aloe vera gel.

I personally have been eating an orange a day to keep the immune system locked and loaded.


I volunteered putting together meals for Community Servings in Boston one summer. They provide specialized meals to sick people, many/most of whom have compromised immune systems. Before they let you near their kitchen, they put you through a hand-washing class supervised by this very intimidating middle-aged black woman who put the fear of God in us that if we didn’t wash our hands properly, we might kill an elderly person or child. Ever since then I’ve been super rigorous in my hand-washing.


This is going to be the Fox news line. The blame the dirty homeless people excuse has already started. I know this because after a 10 minute convo with my 73 year old dad I can recite the daily Fox news talking points.
He said it’s really not that bad most people don’t even die from it. The last time my dad got a cold he was sick for a month after multiple z packs and antibiotics. I’m legit really scared for him. I asked him not to leave the house when this blows up in his area.

This is my first post and thought I was quoting someone.


Similar- I worked in the virology department for a medical testing company for a number of years and was taught by a very stern older woman how to wash your hands properly. I will say that in all the years I worked there I was the healthiest I’ve ever been. I’d imagine washing my hands properly so many times per day had something to do with it.

One of the tests I ran was for different kinds of flu. This was when the swine flu (H1N1) was thought to be the big one. We were severely overwhelmed. I imagine once the proper tests get rolled out for this those types of places will be just as backed up.

I was at a family get together this evening which included a doctor and a medical worker who has done multiple deployments with MSF. Neither of them seemed to be even remotely as concerned as some of the people itt, with handshakes and hugs widely shared.

Just, you know, an anecdote from the other side.


When I left the ship a couple of weeks ago, I felt fine. We checked our temperatures throughout our quarantine. Jeri and I got a swab test for the virus.

When the test came back a few hours later, I wasn’t surprised to learn that I had the coronavirus. Later, the Tokyo swab confirmed the result — I had caught the virus even before I left the ship.

That is such a long gestation period. I wonder if the plane ride triggered it. I get sick after I fly a lot.

BBC Persian are reporting that “hospital sources” tell them that “at least” 210 people have died from COVID-19 in Iran so far. The official toll is 34. I don’t see why this wouldn’t be the truth. It seems obvious that the virus is widespread in Iran and that the official case count is a joke.

Well @Yuv, it’s coming for me. You and I look like big favorites over the field to be the first of the Unstuckied to be infected.

Also, my efforts to avoid hand foot and mouth disease have failed, so I’m already miserable and not terribly optimistic about avoiding infection despite my best efforts.

The blame game’s going to get really ugly if it takes off widely. You’ve got to believe that fantasist pastors everywhere are champing at the bit to blame the pagans for building New Gomorrah.


You did quote him - he’s linked at the top right of your post (like you are on mine). If you want who you quoted to appear in your actual post the easiest way is to highlight the bit you want. Once you’ve done that a pop up ["quote] appears just above it, just click on that and it appears in your post.

Are there a lot of Unstuckers living in the (greater) San Fran Bay Area?

Pretty sure CDC only tests people who they have video of them French kissing confirmed COVID-19 patients.


Counterpoint: I haven’t stocked up yet.

We can’t be too far away from people barricading themselves in their homes because they refuse to go to the hospital and go bankrupt.

I have good insurance and if I thought I had it, I’d be real tempted to just stay home and drink gatorade. Otherwise say hello to $200k worth of medical bills from 79 different independent contractors and your insurance feels like paying $60k of it.

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I doubled up my multi vitamin intake to win.

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My son caught hand and mouth disease twice last year. I would also bet my dog becomes the first corona pet in the US.

Now its obviously my paranoia and somewhat racist, but I went to the park with the wife and kid. She sees a familiar Chinese co-worker and goes to say hi and end up talking for 20 minutes. When she comes back I ask who it was and she casually replies “Oh he was suppose to open a lab in China but he came back for a visit and now he’s not allowed to go back”. I give her the natural look of death to which she reply “no its okay, he came back from China last month already”.

This is old, but just a reminder that sanctions kill people.


I started down the rabbit hole of hand hygiene research and feel like if I keep reading I’ll be hosting Deal or No Deal soon. I always wash my hands after the restroom but not with the full minute of thumb wrestling shown in the video.

One takeaway from the research is that soap results in a significant reduction in CFUs over no soap. Another takeaway is that getting to 20-30 seconds of agitation results in a very significant CFU reduction compared to, say, five seconds. Five seconds is longer than you think in rubbing-your-hands-together time, and I’d guess my average wash is under ten seconds of hand rubbing. Fail.

But that made me think of something weird I’ve observed in public washrooms, which is there seems to be a sizable group of [males] who perform a one-second obligatory rinse without soap. I mean they literally stick their hands in the general vicinity of running water for one Mississippi and bail. That is by far the most interesting phenomenon in hand washing similar to people circumventing the shoulder strap in seatbelt use. Like, if you were conducting a study in psychology, those are the people you’d want to talk to.


Being afraid of a random Asian-looking person: pretty racist

Being afraid of anyone who just got back from China a month ago regardless of what they look like: a lot more reasonable

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