Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This is wrong. You can’t stop it but you can slow it down. Slowing it down is key.

We’re all going to be Howie Mandel-level germophobes when this is all over.

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Oh good. No worry to panic fellow northern californians. It only seems to be the one place in the states where this shit is travelling just for funzies

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I’m carrying around a handkerchief to open doors like I’m Howard Hughes or something.

But my useless N95 masks arrive today, so there’s that!

One observation (sorry if this has been mentioned and I missed it) - even if people get better at washing their hands, 90%+ of the population has cell phone addiction and are touching an unsanitized device constantly. I think that in 2020 germs will get on cell phones, and no one washes their phones (like ever) so I’m not convinced that better hand washing will even help that much. 99% of the time someone at work that washes there hands picks up their filthy phone within a few minutes anyway.


That’s good because I would hate to sink to Trump level germophobe.

I actually sanitized my phone the other day and again today. Of course, my computer keyboard is disgusting and that is not so easy to sanitize.

I commend you. I think cleaning of phones is pretty uncommon.

Well the other day and today mark the first and second time I ever did it. But not the last!

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How? What did you use?

Are you guys seriously going to be walking around the grocery store with gas masks on, lol wtf y’all.


Toothy lurking this thread? He posted this over there like 30 minutes after my post here.

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A paper towel and sanitizing gel. My phone is made of some kind of glass type material. But depending on the material your phone is made from, other things will work. Lysol wipes or denatured alcohol should do it.

If you don’t want him lifting your material start posting trades.


I simply autoclave my phone every day, usually right after I wake up.


Where did you get them?

Actually, I’d guess the numbers look in the neighborhood - maybe better than I’d have guessed. The old joke being a cruise ship doc is that your population is comprised of “the newly wed and the nearly dead” - mostly the latter. Additionally, a fair number of the older folks cruise because they’re unable to avoid strenuous activity/have significant co-morbid conditions - a population that’s going to skew their numbers even worse.

So, a scientific wild ass guess would the Princess Diamond numbers actually (thus far) look markedly better than I’d have guessed so far - of course, still a ways to go.


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You can get handkerchiefs almost anywhere.


Yeah, I was referring to the n95 masks lol…