Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The point is to slow the spread and buy time, so that medical facilities don’t get overwhelmed.


You misspelled “accomshlemen”


Coronavirus probably gonna be under control by then. This isn’t the Black Death.

No need for a car in Europe unless you really like driving or are in the middle of nowhere. Personally, I’d rather emasculate myself than choose to drive through London (or most major cities in Europe). Between the parking and the foot traffic in busy areas combined with signs in various unfamiliar languages, it might be more stressful than public transport. Unlike America, it’s pretty efficient (unless you’re in the UK that is).

Without a car, I hit up 15 countries in 4+ months in 2017. That combined with my previous trips leaves two EU member states left (Romania and Bulgaria). Hoping to visit one of them (perhaps both) this July.

I drove my car though Mexico and Central America. I like the adventure of driving and getting off the beaten path from the typical backpacker circuit. Although I agree driving in big cities is to be avoided.

Also I plan to camp out in a rooftop tent though most of Europe - since even the hostels are stupid expensive.

After that I’m going to do as much of Africa as I can. Apparently a lot of it is surprisingly save. Lots of overlanders go up the east or west coast routes.

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Good news everyone! Let the rice hoarding begin.

obviously but I’m not gonna take a swig from my kids drink while I’m coughing damnit.

Or cough into my open hand and then touch stuff before washing, especially after I just got released from quarantine.

That’s one way to travel. Certainly an interesting one.

If you really want to get off the backpacker circuit, hit up the Balkans and former Yugoslavic countries that aren’t in the EU because pretty much every other European country is a series of beaten paths. But going to places like Bosnia and Serbia are going to be pretty awesome experiences if you want to camp. Found people to be really hospitable and friendly in both countries from my experience. If you really want to be alone, there are a bunch of places in the Scottish Highlands where you’d be like the only person within a mile radius if you really don’t want to talk to people or see things.

Yeah I plan to for sure. I hope to hit every country that will have me before I’m done.

a lot of people are saying that this virus is particularly susceptible to tax cuts


So… the navy saw what happened to the cruise ship and is now just “hold my beer”?


Officials in Northern California report a second case of coronavirus in a person without known risk factors, raising the possibility of local transmission.

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If none of them have it, staying out to sea seems like a good way to avoid it. But if they’ve been going port to port they probably already have it.

I think they’re just gonna wait and see if there are any cases first, and if there are they will evac the ship to quarantine. Well I mean that’d be the smart thing to do, who the fuck knows with this administration.

Trump probably gonna say let them die can’t risk the stock market getting worse.

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If you can’t tell who the jerk in the thread is…


One day, 22% drop

We all should have adopted this a long time ago, imo…