Coronavirus (COVID-19)

I mean, until corona mutates like that, it’s way overhyping things to compare it to the Spanish Flu.

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Can’t tell if you meant to do that.

Retired. Started as a rural vet, later got a masters in public health and worked in veterinary pathology for the govt for a while.

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I would feel worse if my friend was Asian tbh, but he’s not.

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I think it’s pretty clear a lot of you lot haven’t had kids

WHO estimates a 2-3% mortality rate for Spanish flu. So if 95%CI for Covid19 mortality is 0.5-4% then yeah, ‘Spanish flu level pandemic’ is still in our range given what we know at the moment. But so is ‘slightly worse flu season for a while’.

102 years for starters.

I can’t comprehend even the dumbest rich person paying to meet mike fucking pence.

Now if I had the cash would I hire a table of escorts to go meet him? Yes.


I was planning on going to Italy in Sept, might not be happening now


I have a friend who was supposed to go to Italy in 2 weeks. I wonder if he’s decided to cancel.

I was conceivably thinking about starting my road trip around the world again - in Europe - by the fall. It was going to start by selling my condo, figuring out what to do with my stuff, arrange shipping for my car. Right now I’m not planning anything.

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really starting to feel the pain here


Our small company was supposed to exhibit at a large international conference (10,000+ attendees) in the US in May. So far the conference hasn’t been cancelled but their page says they’re monitoring the developments of the virus. It would suck for us if it’s cancelled, but obviously it’s better to be safe than sorry.

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The U.S. Navy ordered dozens of ships, with thousands of service members, to stay at sea for the next two weeks, after visiting Pacific ports.

I was told this was a good follow.

It seems like a lot of the economic disruption is going to be pointless barn-door-closing and everyone is going to get coronavirus anyways, except we will also have tanked the economy.

Extreme measures are justified to possibly prevent a pandemic, but once the virus is everywhere, what is the point?

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