Coronavirus (COVID-19)



We have an entire rest of the forum for that imo. People could be getting sick itt and worse.

If the visitors may have arrived in the last 2 weeks, snitch to the county health department. No joke. They prob won’t be quarantined, but County may want to interview them.

I think most of us will manage to avoid jokes at totally inappropriate times ITT.

It’s also a lot to wade through - mainly the derails that spring out of the snark - including this one.

You now also have a much better chance of surviving this. Cheers.

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Or is he


Most parents from my observation give up the fight to not share germs with their kids pretty much instantly. If they get it, you’re gonna get it and vice versa. Right?


I think it’s fine to restrict the finance stuff from this thread. The rest of it should all be here imo. Serious bizzness threads always suck.

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Old white chicks at the hair salon were discussing the new Din Tai Fung in Del Amo Mall. Their husband nixed going just in case one of the employees had a grandmother coming back from China or something.

My accountability buddy in my writing class is a Chinese national. I lent her a pen and paper last night. I think she might have sniffled a little - but she seems like one of these people who always has the sniffles. I took back the pen and paper and put it in my backpack, then went to the bathroom and washed my hands (which I would have done anyway as I had to pee). I feel bad but I was definitely thinking about it.

My ex is of Chinese descent. She sneezed at the grocery store and said everyone was staring at her. That sucks.

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Some light reading.

This is very different from the 1918 flu.

Just gotta say for once I’m not causing the derail!

(Except for this derial post bragging about not derailing, of course)



eh, Kills people mostly the same way, spreads a little worse than that one did with a lot longer incubation period. Had a relatively low kill rate at first but it mutated into something worse quite a bit later on.

I don’t see how that statement is definitively said at this point outside of much better technology/preparation to fight it.

This thread has been borderline irresponsible pretty much from the start. While a bunch of useful information has been posted throughout, the ratio of panic posting to the reality has been out of control. I’m not saying this isn’t a real problem and something we shouldn’t be concerned and proactive about. But many responses in here are the internet equivalent of running around w your hair on fire. And that doesn’t do a lot of good in the end.

The derails seem to be least of this threads problems.

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Good to know the test is 100% accurate so negative result (TWICE!) means you definitely don’t have it.


This has probably been answered, but what is your mom’s profession and is she still working or retired? How old is she?