Coronavirus (COVID-19)

It’s the old people who should be terrified for themselves for sure. I’ve already had a brutally frank conversation with my mom about what she needs to do to survive this. In reality that probably means I just killed her, because near as I can tell she’s never listened to me ever at any point. That woman is one of the least competent adults I’ve ever met, and the fact that it’s 90% an act designed to get other people to clean up after her and give her attention makes it incredibly incredibly annoying for the people who have been around her long enough to know that it’s bullshit. I hope I made it clear enough on the call how much this isn’t a spot for her to play incompetent, she’s downright effective when she gets backed into a corner… so hopefully she feels the need to rise to the occasion like I’ve seen her do countless times.

The beer will also be changing its name lol.

You do not have to offer empathy, that’s a choice. Your other valid option is to not reply. The rest of your post was gibberish.


Too busy fighting the greater threat of Bernie Sanders

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Need to start putting together a reading list for when we’re all on lockdown:


To me that seems like a terrible method to use to make historical claims on the back of. But, in any case BS claimed

The single most predictive thing about who was going to survive the death camps and who wasn’t was their tendency to be optimistic or pessimistic.

Which has now been reduced to something like “if you didn’t just give up then you had a very slightly better chance”. With a further, vaguer claim, that “PMA is the biggest determiner of whether someone gave up or not.”

I hope it’s clear just how much weaker a claim that is.

I’ll leave this topic here.


In before poor people should just work harder.


You’re right probably, particularly from a semantic point of view. Being wildly lucky if nothing else would easily outweigh your outlook. A better way to put it might have been ‘almost no people with major depression issues survived the Holocaust’. Also I hope nobody thought I was trying to shame the people who died. I would probably have a lot of relatively living in Europe right now if it hadn’t happened, as it stands I have none that I know of.

Based on recent posts ITT, Candide.

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Wtf BS and Zara. Came to this thread to learn about Coronavirus, got AIDS instead.


Has there been any data on the length of time it takes to kill people by age? Like, is there a chance that the death rate isn’t actually super low for young people, they’re just able to fight it off longer?

Yup, I had a talk with my father about avoiding going out too much now, expressed how high the death rate is for people his age and told him he shouldn’t panic but he also shouldn’t be going out to the store, etc, every day… and told him to especially avoid taking my mother out, because she likely has a weaker immune system.

No Outbreak? For shame

Most people don’t need hospitalisation. The problem arises if it gets into your lungs and you then get into a critical conditon. Most young people don’t reach that stage. It’s not a matter of it not having happened yet, it’s not happening.

I would like to respectfully request that we try to keep the following out of this thread:

a) snarky contentless jokes
b) derails erupting from said jokes
c) dow updates (there’s a personal finance thread for that)

This thread is actually an incredibly valuable source of information for a lot of us. JMHO but I think we should start taking it seriously as such.


Come on man, life isn’t worth living without snarky contentless jokes.


not only is this video completely ridiculous, bonus points for being a key swing state voter.


Coughs in hand, touches daughter and her water bottle. After just getting out of quarantine. WAAF.


He drank from the water bottle and gave it back to her to drink out of it while he’s repeatedly coughing. He’s also voting in Pennsylvania in november.

Maybe, and then again, maybe not.