Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Not having the name of a global pandemic plastered everywhere when you are trying to party seems pretty logical to me…

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That was my fault, c/p the wrong figure which I think bob then took from my post.

5 / 700 is pretty convincing evidence against a 1.5% fatality rate as well.

Profiteering implies an unfair or unethical practice, i.e. - unfairly taking advantage of somebody for your own gain. Which is not an accurate characterization of what’s going on in the forum when discussing finances.

I do understand it might be in poor taste to discuss finances in this thread, which is why we moved to a different thread.

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38% of Americans are internet trolls in waiting

This seems fine.


So theyll call this out but wont explicitly say “This quote by the president is 100% a lie.”


The truth is the first casualty of Trump.


The 29-year-old Chinese doctor who died recently was hospitalized January 25 and died February 20. It seems like it takes a long time to kill people.

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Where are the fucking Democrats right now and why do they not have a clear and consistent message that the Trump administration is withholding and suppressing information, outright lying about the risk, and put us all in a very dangerous situation by cutting funds, firing people, and disbanding health committees charged with our global response to these situations? Even AOC is a disappointment in this regard right now.

I mean this should be easy. Trump said the risk is minimal. Pin the tail on the fucking donkey.

We should also be loudly questioning why the stock market it melting down when we have such a brilliant stock market genius in charge. He took credit for the rise, make him own the fall.


Idiocracy was a poignant prediction of the future.

Probably a good time to pick up some cheap beer though :+1:

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Busy handwringing and attacking each other over Bernie. Hell even Soledad is in on it. I’m so disgusted it makes me physically nauseous


35 are still in critical condition; that 5 could turn in to 10 or 15 or 20 in a few days. Let’s wait until those 35 recover and are stable before calling it evidence.


Isn’t that about the same number who can’t place Alaska on a map or something? Stands to reason.

Dr Zarapochka Sarno


You are welcome to offer empathy. I have zero interest in life coaching.

Based on the data so far what people should be doing is limiting their parents’ exposure if they can (or maybe some of you youngsters still have grandparents). The mortality rate seems to be crazy high for older people.

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