Coronavirus (COVID-19)

So he should calmly take his children out of school and have either he or his wife stay home from work?

I dunno. If I was aware I could be getting it from close contact with an infected person the last thing I’d want is this place all wishing me good luck, best wishes, cross fingers, hope for the best etc etc ffs.

“You’ll be fine, don’t worry so much” is a better message imo.

I live in Davis and i’m in a decent state of panic. My son goes to preschool on campus territory so I really don’t see a way this ends well.

Going away for a while isn’t really an option when you׳re on a scholar visa that Trump keeps making harder to renew.


Do we think Thailand and Singapore are just not testing? Or is the warm weather in those countries helping suppress the numbers? They both had infections early and the numbers have only very slowly grown.

At least with this sample they know they can’t have more than 3711 cases. So they won’t have to make wild guesses on how many people aren’t counted because they have a mild version of it and don’t go to the hospital.

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I’m finding all of you losing your mind about zara staying chill kind of hilarious. You guys should probably be aware that she’s basically the same thing as the kid of a holocaust survivor who grew up hearing ‘at least you’re not in Auschwitz’ every time they worried about anything.

She’s not trying to be cool. At the same time her perspective is at least as warped to the downside in terms of expectations as our is to the upside because of our privilege.

As usual with zara vs all situations her perspective is just massively different which I actually like. She’s sort of right here too. The smart thing is to keep our cool and do the stuff we can control while thinking the most pleasant (at least my kids, my spouse, and I are safe is a pretty good example) thoughts we can. This is how people who actually survive really bad shit think fwiw. The single most predictive thing about who was going to survive the death camps and who wasn’t was their tendency to be optimistic or pessimistic. Being pessimistic in a bad situation will get you dead very very quickly. You lose motivation and give up… and since the situation is trying its ass off to kill you that’s all it takes.

Exactly. The ship will give us really good numbers because they were all tested. And the numbers can eventually be age adjusted.


With an expected rate of 1%, 705 cases isn’t anywhere near enough though. If it’s 2% the sample becomes much more meaningful and at 3% and over (god forbid) it’s pretty good.

Yeah, unless the exterminators chose more depressed looking people this sounds like bollocks.

Don’t ask me to cite but every study into cancer survival rates I’ve seen has debunked the “intuitive” belief that survival favours the optimist.

Dow down 700

Edit 900

I’ve read it a few places. I’m looking around now. It’s been a long time since I found the holocaust to be something worth researching, but my goal was primarily to figure out how people survived it.

I’ll also point out that more pessimistic people were also probably way less likely to end up in a camp to begin with. I know I tend towards pessimism and I definitely will have left the country long before Trump starts the mass murder stage of the fascist takeover of the country.

To be clear with survival rates as low as they were in death camps I’m probably talking about the difference between <1% chance of survival and <2% chance of the survival. The best way to survive the Holocaust was definitely to run your ass off and arrive as late as possible in the process so your chances of being liberated before inevitably dying was higher.

lol stoxaments


Where would you even run to? It’s like trying to outrun the a flu pandemic. It’ll get to wherever you are eventually.

Enough for what? If you have 3700 cases and 37 fatalities, it’s certainly a big enough sample size to rule out the true fatality rate from being greater than, say 1.5%. It can’t tell you whether it’s 0.9% or 1.1%, but that’s less important than knowing whether it’s 1% or 2%.

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Okay dying from corona is defiantly better than reading unstuck guide to surviving the holocaust. Fucking moron.


We have 705 cases right now.

Hey come on, lighten up. This is the progressive politics forum where we can pool our brain power to devise ways of profiteering from COVID-19 (come on the virus!) so I’m sure a bit of Holocaust victim blaming isn’t beyond our means.


Well, let me now when you find something.

Like I always told my Nana, all your siblings should just have smiled more.