Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Cherry and dark chocolate muffins.

These were a request from Mrs Rugby who is currently in early labour at home. She raved about them.

I’m not sure sure. There’s a lot to like here. Texture, bake, etc all spot on, but flavour not quite there for me.

I think a muffin needs to hit you in face with the flavour.

7 out of 10, would bake again but with a few tweeks to beef up the flavour profile.


I view apple in any crumble as just dilution. I go full 100% rhubarb here. I use zero sugar in the fruit base. Oats in the topping as well, and don’t spare the butter to get some crisp.

Rhubarb is the crumble king, but plum, gooseberry, cherry, raspberry, etc etc. - some tartness.
Custard for me, but I’m good w the vanilla ice cream thing too.

(I grew up in the UK w crumble and custard for school lunch almost every day; still remember the nice lunch ladies always giving me 2nds of crumble and custard in elementary school).

Crumble ftw!

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I’m open to all rhubarb but all rhubarb and no sugar is some extremist behaviour. Are you okay?

I like the apples for a texture thing. All rhubarb can be a bit mushy.

I also want a lot of sugar in the base. I’m like toffee, jammy corners on my puddings. Definitely also an influence of British school and university dinners.

Food loved by a woman in labor is 10/10. Take the W.


I love the contrast of a good tartness vs the sweet of the custard or ice cream.
I’m sure you’ve done the old stick of raw rhubarb dipped in sugar: dip the end in sugar, chomp, repeat…

I have not. And again, I refer you to my comment on extremism.

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That’s not extreme, you pansy! Lots of kids did it.
Give it a whirl w a nice red stick of rhubarb.

So far we have had the muffins, then pulled pork
with avocado, and then this morning, a Korean fried rice with Chinese sausage and kimchi.

It’s been a long labour. I’m hoping I don’t have to do lunch and dinner as well.



They look great. Try sprinkling them with sea salt when they’re fresh out of the oven. That will make the flavors pop.

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Made this yesterday and as most of chef John’s menus do, it turned out pretty well. 10 minutes of prep made 8 portions after 1.5 hours in the oven.


Congrats and good luck! My son took 96 hours to arrive but I don’t remember what we ate in the lead-up. Hospital food I guess.

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Baby born after 4 days. (Bigger update in the parenting thread) I can confirm that food was not top of mind for the second half.


Holy shit dude. Sorry but also congrats. I truly did not think there was a chance it would take that long for you. The next-longest labor in our social circle (after my wife’s) was 36 hours. Most have been 12-24.

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My first wife was in labor with my older child for 36 hours until they said it was time for the C-Section.

It was pretty cool after the baby was born to go around the curtain and see the view before she was sewn back up, with various organs pinned on the outside.

Please, no!
You just ruined my brain through the rest of next week.

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Day after the election I’m imagining someone asking coworkers not to spoil the results because i tivo’d CNN’s election night coverage amd want to find out like everyone else.

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This post may have wound up in the wrong thread but alas.

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Wife went out and found a decent haul of chanterelles so I made pasta ai fungi.


“found” as in foraging or as in bought them at a farmer’s market?