Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

The All Dresses ones are pretty good. Pretty surprised we don’t have those.

All dressed
Sour cream and bacon
Zesty cheese Doritos
Hickory sticks
Roast chicken
Savoury bbq (not sweet like us)

Doesn’t Amazon sell ketchup flavored chips for ex-pat Hosers?

For a fortune. I end up shipping like 100 bucks worth a few times a year to my brother.

We also have far superior chocolate bars. :grin: (other than whatchamacallit which is awesome).

You don’t have coffee crisp!

Do you also put ketchup on Kraft Dinner?

Don’t like either actually. Only eat ketchup on fries. Nothing else.

I’m sure you can ‘get’ anything in the US, but i was surprised no big market where I lived had any of the south asian flavors. I think now that we are all addicted to umami again, it might be time to introduce all the fried seafood flavors

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Ya I didn’t mention the Asian flavours we have

Chicken and tomato

That’s good list.

Are Cheezies basically Cheetos? In that case, Cheezie equivalents, Truffle, and some version of zesty cheese doritos seems to be things that you can find easily. The other stuff I’m mostly never seen and/or heard of.

Cheezies are like Cheetos but infinitely better

You have these? I’ve never seen them.

I used to dip regular potato chips in ketchup, still would if I ate chips regularly.

Quite a few on your list are available in the US. There are like unlimited chip flavor options here saying we don’t have any good flavors is preposterous

more importantly, most of the flavors we supposedly don’t have, we likely do have they are just called something different.

What is the difference between zesty cheese and nacho cheese?

Not those exactly, but there are a ton of Doritos flavors here. I’m sure one of them is zesty and cheesy.

Totally different flavour. We have both here. Zesty is way more cheddar cheese forward.

I don’t think this is true.

I’ve looked. A lot. Including online.

Google says Nacho Cheese is Romano, cheddar and tomato seasoning, while Zesty Cheese is a mix of cheddar and parmesan.

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And that’s also distinct from sour cream and cheddar?
