Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Nice! I think every product should have that secondary “after opening” information! Unfortunately, few do

Edit: It’s possible that I missed it on the carton of chicken broth. I’ll look more closely in the future

Unopened food that is shelf-stable, like canned vegetables and boxes of chicken stock, should be good for a long time, assuming the container remains intact. Most (all?) food that has passed its Sell by/Use by date is still fine if it looks and smells OK.

Take a pic of every surface on that cranberry juice and post it here.

You think it has a “after opening” date? I’ll look again

It’s funny tho that some of these responses are exactly what I find frustrating. I can read the labels. If a can of tuna has an expiration date of 2 years out, fine. I’ll use it within 2 years. I’m more concerned with why there aren’t dates for products that are unlikely to be used in one shot and will be stored in the fridge afterwards

I mean, I’ve seen labels on fans that say, “Do not stick fingers into moving fan”. Gee, no shit. Thanks for the heads up on that. But you can’t put a safety date on a manufactured food product that is sure to go bad at some point after opening?

I usually use the best buy date not as a “drop dead” date where you can’t eat the food, but a “start being careful” date and you want to be attentive to the appearance, smell, and taste before eating it.

What brand of juice are we talking about here?

It’s Ocean’s Spray Cran-Grape. I smelt and tasted it and it seems fine. I bought (and opened) this bottle at least 3 months ago. The “Best before” date is Apr-23. So I guess it’s still good

That chicken broth is what got me real paranoid. I trusted the “Best if used by” date on the carton even after it was opened. Then I made meal in a crockpot and it tasted real funny and I couldn’t figure out why. I thought I messed up the recipe or something. Then I then smelled the remainder of the chicken broth and almost puked

I’m not saying it wasn’t my fault. You should obviously smell stuff before using it. I just had ultimate trust for the date on the carton and now I don’t know if that date is supposed to represent only “Before opening” as in the chicken broth, or if it’s a good date to use after opening as seems to be the case with this cranberry juice

I should probably add that I’m currently single, so I don’t go thru stuff that quickly. It takes me a while to use up things like chicken broth, yogurt, and bottles of juice. I never thought about any of this when my gf was living with me. Of course, she did most of the shopping and cooking. Not because I’m sexist, but because I suck at both lol

Now that you’re on the lookout for it you’re going to notice a ton of food has a secondary “best if used within 7 days of opening” type warning somewhere on the package. Your juice probably does, so does lunch meat, cheese, and a bunch of other stuff you’d assume would be fine to eat until the best by date.

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I’m definitely going to start looking for both dates. But sometimes I have a hard time even finding ANY expiration date on things! I picked up a carton of eggs and I swear I turned that thing every which way and there was no date. I finally put it back and took another one. I tend to be impatient and am not the most detail orientated person in the world lol

You might see something like this.

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The notice will sometimes be nowhere near the expiration date or nutritional info.

O.M.G. That exact label is on THIS bottle of cranberry juice!

I am truly a moron

And now I’m looking at a carton of rice milk and it also has such a label. Guess I was today years old when I learned this. I mean, it makes perfect sense why it’s in a completely different place than the “best if used by” label. One is put on by the distributor (or store) and the other by the manufacturer as a generic message of how long their product will stay after opening :roll_eyes:

Geesh, embarrassing

This is happiness. My favorite dish in the world


A little descriptor would be nice. Chickpeas and hummus?

This one specifically is from Abu Hassan in Jaffa. The best in the universe.


I came across that when doing a search for deconstructed hummus.

I’m making Kenji’s buldak for the Seahawks game tomorrow.

Here’s the sauce simmering down:

Here’s a question though. I’m planning on bringing this to the cigar lounge tomorrow. I’ll marinate the chicken over night and grill it tomorrow morning. I"m thinking once it’s all grilled I’ll throw it in a crockpot with a little bit of reserved sauce, throw the cheese on, and let it finish in there. Any issues I’m not seeing with doing it that way? I know the cheese isn’t going to get nice and browned, but I also don’t want to bring this in cold. @MrWookie , tagging you so you’ll see this.

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If there’s no option to broil it there, that doesn’t seem unreasonable

Yeah, no cooking devices available other than power outlets.

Crockpot it is.

I’ll report back.

i got bad news bro. your gas stove is killing you very slowly.